The mice that sing

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"Tiffy...tif wake up! it's freezing again and I cannot close the window" a little voice interrupted tiffys strange dreams. she turned over so she was facing the little bundle of curly golden hair.

"Grace, use the footstool" she mumbled rubbing sleep from her eyes. grace grumbled and stalked off to find the footstool. tiffy raised an arm out from her quilt fort and felt around her headboard for the clock. She knocked a doll off and winced at the loud thud.

"Your gonna wake up ma and dad" grace whispered dragging the old footstool loudly across the wooden floor.

"And your not" tiffy said rolling her eyes.

"Ah ha" she said as her fingers felt the circular metal clock. she pulled it down into her blankets and squinted at the bright metallic screen.

"Grace! it is 3 in the morning" tiffy almost yelled jumping out of her blankets. the cold air hit her and she quickly retreated back to the warm fuzzy quilts.

"I know that! but you said yesterday morning that we could go back to the forest path" grace said quietly while trying to steady the lopsided stool. she climbed onto the footstool and stretched her tiny figures towards the big oval window. she was just a fingertips length away.

"I told you I couldn't reach" grace grumbled and hopped down to the floor. tiffy grumbled and slowly stood up. she stretched her arms towards the ceiling and gave a big yawn. she went to the window and put a foot in the wobbly stool she jumped up and closed the window then Landed delicately on the wooden floor. she scratched her head and looked a grace.

"Please" she whined clasping her hands together and giving the baby look that tiffy had never been able to resist. She waved her sister off and slowly started to get dressed. grace gave a happy yelp then started dressing . tiffy knew it would be freezing like it allways was. Long black pants, long sleeve dark green thin hoodie, white knitted scarf and white knitted Beanie. however her little sister was a fan of fabulous not practical. a red knitted skirt with black leggings and black flats then a black tank top with a thin cover up.

"No" tiffy said pulling on her brown leather lace up ankle high "moutain" boots.

"Wwwhaaat" grace whined stomping her little foot. tiffy got up and made a few changes. She pulled out graces long sleeve black knitted shaw and forced it on her. then she pulled out black knee high leather boots and watched as grace laced them up.

"You better be glad I still look good" she grumbled crossing her arms.

"Just stuff it and be quiet" tiffy said smiling as she grabbed her tinny satchel and headed towards the door.

"Watch the third step" tiffy warned about the creaky step they had stepped on all to many times.

"I know...i remember last time" grace said remembering the spanking she got last time from being caught. They slowly descended the steps making sure to avoid the louder ones. grace ran ahead and opened the door. she sprinted outside into the cool air to wait while tiffy did the usual. she slowly walked to her parents room and kissed the closed door.

"We'll be back soon...promise" she said as if they could hear her. she walked back to the front door and took one last look at her house, then closed the door. not knowing it would be the last time she could.

"Tiffy, hurry I wanna go see the singing mice" grace squealed jumping up and down

"Those mice don't sing, they just scamper away" tiffy said as they walked down there long gravel driveway.

"They just don't like you, they say you attrack bad things tiffy" grace said sticking her tongue out. tiffy rolled her eyes knowing an argument with her was completely pointless. her logic of fairy tales and stuff like that always came into her story's making sense only to her.

They walked off the gravel and hit the black pavement. the jog across while checking for cars was next. when they made it to the grassy other side tiffy went to look back at her house like she allways did. it was just for a flash of a second but she thought she saw a persons shadow across her house. she blinked and it was gone. she turned to see grace halfway across the field to the great fence already. there town had built the fence long ago to separate there little town from the great black woods surrounding them. There was only a double road leading out that you were only allowed to travel on during the daytime. playing in the woods was prohibited...

"Grace! hold on!" tiffy said now sprinting because her sister had made it to the fence. she was just about to reach grace when something caught her foot

"What the-" she said as she fell and landed face first. she could hear her sister rolling with laughter. tiffy rolled to her back and sat up.

"Ahahah" grace laughed till she to fell to her butt.

"Shut up" she mumbled and looked towards her foot. something had twirled around it and caught a root. it was a silver pendent with a green emerald sphere latched on. she slowly and carefully untangled it and held it up to the moon light. it was beautiful and sparkled immensely in the soft white light. she pulled it over her head and pulled her hair from it. it was a little long and ducked into her clevege.

"I want it" grace said popping out if the brush and scaring tiffy half to death.

"No it tripped ME not you. besides you laughed way to hard" tiffy said with a smirk as she whipped dirt and grass from her face. her sister made a pouty face but soon lost interest as they came upon the fence. it had taken tiffy a long time to find a safe spot where they could hide a small hole in the fence. grace had only recently started coming with tiffy to the woods.

"Why did you choose a place with hurt stick thingys grace getting a little frustrated at not being able to remember the word.

"Brambles smart one, and they grow on there..." but she was cut off by little voices singing and humming

"The mice!" grace said excitedly. she tried to run threw the gap but tiffy stopped her.

"People are in the woods" she said In Disbelief, no one goes in there...

"No it's the mice that sing, I told you!" grace said squirming in her sisters grasp.

"Grace mice don't sing! oh god its probably the axe men" tiffy said. axe men were guys who cut wood from the Black Forest in hopes of selling or building with it. but as soon as you make something with Black Forest wood it immediately attracts bad things or breaks while people are inside. tiffy started to walk home but grace broke free of her grasp.

"Grace no!" tiffy yelled as her sister ran threw the gap. She charged after her. ducking under the broken fence and immersing into the woods. it was as dark as ever and fog always spilled along the floor. she heard a snap and turned to see grace running towards the black feilds. The black fields were full of rodents and animals not known to many people. very dangerous if you get lost inside the tall weeds. she chased after grace ducking under low branches and threw spiderwebs the color of cotton candy...

"What the heck.." She stopped for a second then shook it off, she'd have to stop and admire them later, graces head had just disappeared into the feilds.

"Grace" tiffy called out as she stopped at the edge if the feilds. she heard graces laughter and some more music coming from inside.

"..Grace.." she mumbled and dove in.

As she ran threw she could hear things humming near her feet.

"She can't possible be right about this stuff" tiffy said shoving the music out of her mind. it was a pretty melody but not what she should be focusing on right now. she broke threw into an open patch and couldn't believe her eyes. on a rock in the middle of a swarm of country mice was grace. dancing along to the mice. tiffy looked all around but couldn't find any other source besides the mice for the tune.

"See, I told ya" grace said. her sister simply clapped her hands and the mice stopped. they turned and looked at tiffy. she was mouth agap flabbergasted at the entire scene

"No way"

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