A jump to new creatures

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"NO TIFfY" grace yelled falling to her knees. her animals tried to comfort her but she moved them aside. Eden starred at the hole she left threw, waiting for her to jump back down and smile.

"She remembered my name....but she was taken away" he said as he transformed back into his human self. he punched the ground, not even caring that it made his whole hand hurt. He stood up and winced as his side dripped with blood.

"I need medical care....grace hand me that scarf...were gonna have to go get help" Eden said wearily pointing to a white scarf in the floor. Grace slumped over to where he pointed. not even full giving an answer. she dropped to the floor and clutched the scarf against her.

"This...this is tiffys" grace said as tears once again flooded her vision. she looked up and saw tiffys hat and bag as well. she scooped up her sisters thing and stuffed them into the bag before tossing it over her shoulder. she then looked to eden.

"First we'll get you help, then you'll tell me where my sister is okay" grace said whipping years from her face.

"You don't plan on going alone do you, you'll never last against those two. let alone tiffy if they manage to do what they did last time" he said in a spiteful tone as he looked at his wounds. grace glared then walked over to him. she kicked him hard on the shin. he doubled over and whined in pain.

"What was that for" he yelled glaring up at the little girl. he lost his anger at her expression. she was sad and almost crying but she forced a brave stance and look into her face, she was trying best she could.

"Sorry...this is just the second time I've gone threw this crap" Eden said holding his head in his hands.

"That's another thing, when we get you help your gonna tell me what exactly happened "last time" okay" grace said crossing her arms.

"Your pretty tough for a little girl" Eden said standing up kind of wobbly.

"I get that from tiffy, she's had to go threw a lot cause of me and our family" grace said looking at the floor.

"What do you mean" Eden said walking over to the bookshelf closest to the door.

"Our parents are dead, she's raised and took care of me all this time by herself" grace said


-------- with tiffy and the princes--------

"Good choice coming with us princess" sandy said from the front of the flying circle.

"Like I had any choice" tiffy spat not even looking in there direction.

"Now now princess! don't be so mean" nightmare said coming to close to her for comfort. she was gettin annoyed with these pathetic people. they kept up useless chatter and she just wanted to go back to grace and eden.

"I'm glad I finally remembered his name" she said to herself. nightmare was still in her face. out of the corner of her eye she saw they were about to pass a big lake with a few islands in it.

"Who knew this place was so big" she said as she took in the sight. the Forest seemed to stretch on forever...it was breathe taking. the lake was coming up... maybe if she got away she'd be able to back track back to them...

(That's a really long jump though...) she clutched her fists and took a deep breathe.

"Everything okay-" she head butted him hard then shoved him aside. she took one look back then jumped off.

"What the hell"!! she heard one if the Princes yell. as she fell she looked down, the water was approaching fast. she took a deep breathe and braced for impact. Something started to slip up and out of her shirt...

" The necklace" she said as the green ball came into eye sight. The light from the moon made it glow for a moment. fearing the princes would see it she quickly tucked it back inside her shirt. just as she was about to hit the water something snatched her and pulled her into the forest. she thrashed for a moment fearing it was the princes but when she looked back towards the water she realized she wasn't going up...but away...and she could just barely see the princes threw the tree top flying ghastly towards the water. she took a sigh of relief but quickly sucked it back in.

"What's going on" she said looking down. there was a golden vine with bright green leaves wrapped around her waist. she treys to look backwards to maybe see who saved her but they were going to fast.

"Who's there" she said struggling to turn around.

"Fear not princess flora!" a little light said as it buzzed by her nose

"Where here to save you!" this time the little light was blue

"Those princes are nasty right!" a little pink one said

"Your very right there little one" she said smiling. all the lights turned a blushing shade of red, they squealed and buzzed off.

"Are those fairies..." tiffy said trying to remember that old book of folklore that grace was always begging her to read. just as she was about to ask she was thrusted into a clearing. she landed hard in her but.

"Ow ow ow" she winced rubbing her throbbing behind. she opened her eyes and looked around. a bright warm yellow light enveloped her. she looked behind her to where it was coming from... a giant and I mean giant tree was almost busting from the seams with light. she could see the little buzzing ligh from before, but now there were hundreds of all different colors pouring out of the tree. There where flowers and funky looking trees everywhere and surround the giant tree was a small moat of crystal blue water.she stood up and brushed the dirt off her.

"Um, are you the...uh...fairys..i think.. that helped me" she said not turkey knowing what they are.

"They're not fairies!" a male voice said. she looked up to see a boy sitting on one of the branches looking down at her.

"Where pixies! and I'm there leader puck!"

--------- with grace and Eden-----------

"First we'll get you treated, then I'll explain.." grace said as fox pulled a book from the shelf. with a loud groan the shelf slid away revealing a secret staircase going down.

"Looks like we both have something's to explain" fox said as the stairway lite up with random dots of light everywhere. he walked in and disappeared don the stairs. Grace looked to her animals...she picked up a baby bunny, took a deep breathe and headed in after him...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2014 ⏰

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