The childish fox

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"No way" tiffy said completely shocked at how the mice listened to her sister. hundreds of mice in all shapes and colors were there. even colors mice shouldn't be we're there.

"That's...a pink mouse...and a green one" tiffy said eye wide as she noticed te rainbow colors.

"Well duh tiffy, there magic dining mice! Of course there weird colors" grace said as if it were common knowledge to know these things. tiffy felt her forehead, maybe she was sick and just hallucinating.

"This is not possible" tiffy said as her forehead felt fine...then she remembered the cotton candy colored spiderwebs...

"How" was all she could mutter as she let her new found knowledge sink In.

"These woods are magical" grace said giving a twirl on the rocks. tiffy took a sigh and rubbed her forehead.

"I need a glass of water" she grumbled not expecting a cup of water to appear next to her. she jumped as a tree slowly let on if it's long branches down. her mouth was agap again. it set a wooden cup of water down on a rock then slowly went back to its normal shape.

"Um...thats not okay..." tiffy said and fainted. grace gave a big sigh.

"What happened to her imagination, she used to believe in this stuff to" grace said crossing her arms. the little girl hopped down and started to walk towards her sister. the mice slowly parted making a small path for her. she bent down quickly, allowing a pale sky blue mouse to scurry up her arm and sit on her shoulder.

"So brosha, how are things going" she asked as she made it to her fallen sister. she bent down and tried to pick her up as the mouse squeaked an answer. she laughed and nodded at the rodent as if she understood it.

"She's to heavy" grace said dropping her sisters arm back on the ground. she was trying to think of a way to her to there house when all te sudden the mice went under her and lifted her sister.

"Smart idea my little geniuses" grace said with a small jump for enthusiasm.

"Which was is home" she said walking over to her rock and trying to see over the weeds. she gave a humfh and put her hands in her hips.

"I guess well just wing it" the little girl said cheerfully and started walking threw the brush. the mice train followed and they slowly skunked out of sight.


"Seems we just missed them sir" Oogles voice came from the weeds as Hyde looked at the ground. he saw all the footprints and pawprints

"Rodents carried one of them off by her foot prints I'd say the older one" Hydes brother dez said appearing next to him.

"I wonder why she suddenly needed carting away" oogle said scratching his long green ears

"I assume we'll catch up shortly. on we go" Hyde said as there party walked threw the brush.


It was dark, to dark for comfort. wherever she was she wanted light.

"Hello" tiffy called out trying to see something...anything really. She could feel something on her back..she was moving..

"Tiffy..tiffy wake up..were kind of lost" she heard the worried voice of her sister break the black stillness. Tiffy jolted up and got in a fighting stance. she pulled grace behind her.

"What are-" grace tried to protest

"This is some crazy crap! but I will not let it take you grace" tiffy said eyeing all the strange Animals gathered in this....are they this a cave...

"Where are we" tiffy whispered to grace. she kept her stance firm.

"Will you calm down you big chicken! they took us to safety cause the moon and sand princes were looking for us!" her sister said still making no sense. Tiffy dropped to her knees and bent her head down.

"Why is my sister so strange god....why" she whined slapping her forehead. tiffy jolted up and took graces hand.

"We're busting outta here" tiffy said smirking and started to run.

"No! stop! " grace whinned all the sudden the entrance was blocked with all different kinds of animals...then something crawled out from under the animals...

"Are-are those......COCKROACHES" tiffy screamed letting go of graces hand. she felt goosebumps all over. they started to swarm and crawl towards her. She tensed up and looked to grace.

"Send them away...i hate roaches" tiffy said swatting towards the crawling bugs. Grace gave her sister a happy look and ignored her question.

"Grace!" Tiffy whinned as the bugs got closer. she gave up and started to run from the bugs. The animals parted ways and allowed the screaming girl to run out into the underground labyrinth of the animal hideout.

"Tiffy! wait it's a crazy mess out there" grace true to warn.


"Damnit grace, this isn't funny" tiffy said slowly loosing her breathe as she blindly ran around the hallways. she looked back and noticed the bugs weren't there anymore. she smiled and slowed down till she was just walking.

"Whew, nasty bugs" she said giving one last shake. She turned to head back, figuring her sister was calm now, but she couldn't remember which way was back...or forward..

"Where am i" tiffy asked herself

"I looks like your in my domain now" a childish voice came from the shadows. tiffy spun around to see a fox as tall as she was walking out from a dark tunnel. he was bright red with green eyes and three tails. she stared in a was he walked over to her and stood eyes length with her.

"Who are you" she managed to ask. the fox bowed it's head slightly. she felt the sudden urge to do the same, she did and it seemed to smile

"So your tiffy, not what I was expecting but it's a nice suprise...follow me, we have a lot to discuss" it said. she would take his words more seriously if it didn't speak like grace did.

"You didn't answer my question" she said wanting to know who the fox was

"I am the childish fox kell, nice meet your aquatinted miss flora" kell said bowing yet again.

"My name is tiffy... not flora" she said. (flora meant plants and flowers right... )

" just follow me...all will be revealed shortly" they walked into the shadows and disappeared.

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