The foxs talk

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"Well I doubt you'll believe me, you did faint when a tree listened to your wish after all" the fox said as they continued down the long dark hallway.

"Well a tree just out of nowhere pulled a glass of water from who knows where and I'm just supposed to suddenly be like oh okay" tiff said defending herself. however she was talking to a fox almost equal in hight to her and it talked so...she probably wasn't going to win an argument with him.

"Ever heard of the flora and the fauna" the fox asked changing the subject.

"Isn't that the basic two creations, plants and animals" tiff said recalling a science lesson from two years ago.

"Yes. do you know which is which though" he asked turning his head slightly.

"Flora is leave and fauna is the animals...why" tiff asked. a more important question is where was this fox taking her..

"That's correct, and if you'd just wait a moment you'd find out" the fox said.

" never mind, in starting to realize the strange are not so strange here" tiff said rubbing her temples. She'd have to get used to everything slowly.

"It's a shame" the fox said lightly shaking it's head at they approached a room.

"What is" tiff asked tilting her head slightly.

"You used to believe so much, you were a favorite among the fairy tale and magic folk...a true diamond in the ruff, but then something changed and you stopped coming..." the fox said dropping it's head ever so slightly.

"I don't remember any of all" tiff said trying her headrest to remember. all she could remember was the fences being put up then it was blank.

"It was probably that damn Sand prince" the fox said growling a little.

"Who is that" she asked. the fox mouthed a few phrases and an invisible door was sucked into the wall. they walked into a room full if bookshelf's and books, smaller tables of potions and mixing things.

"Now that were safe.." the fox said as an actual door closed. a white swirl of smoke circled the fox making the entire room full of a blinding mist.

" *cough...cough* what's going on *cough...cough*" tiff said waving her hands trying to clear smoke from her eyes.

"Now that's better !" a deeper make voice said. tiff stiffened as a tall dark shadow emerged from the smoke.

"Who's there" tiff called out slowly backing up until she bumped into a cold stone wall.

"Don't be scared , I'm just a fox" a sly teasing voice came. the mist sleigh started to fade. the body of a man slowly started to come together.

"OH MY GOD YOUR NAKED " tiff hollered covering her eyes.

"And you a human....a man.....and you need clothes" she started to mumbled as she blushed bright red.

"Alright you can open your eyes" the fox said reluctantly after a short minute if rummaging. tiff slowly peeled her fingers from her eyes.

"You aren't a fox anymore" she muttered looking him up and down. he was tall and pale. strongly built but skinny at the same time. he had fire red hair and red fox ears with with tips. he also had a red tail swishing around with a white tip. he only had black pants on. his red nails showing as well.

"I can turn human, I look pretty sexy in both forms, but this one is best" he said with a smug look in his face.

"Uh um how old are you" she asked noticing he was maybe a few years older that her.

"I'm only 16 only three years apart" he said getting to close. She got flustered he smiled kindly and laughed.

"Your faces are to cute princess" he said sliding a hand threw his hair as he turned and walked towards a table.

"Princess? " Tiffy asked hoping there wasn't more craziness going on.

"You seriously don't remember anything! at all! " he asked a little shocked

"Everything younger than ten is fuzzy, my parents said I got in an accident but the details were always vague" Tiffy said rubbing her head remembering the blurry images she had tried for so long to fix and clear them.

"It's that damn sand princes fault" te fix said hitting the table.

"Who are these princes I keep hearing about" tiff said. she suddenly started to see images of silhouettes playing in the Forest, they had crowns and one was throwing stuff in the air.

"We'll take you to the owls domain, he has all the records and could probably reverse whatever spell the damn royalists put in you" fox said glaring a little.

"...Sounds great..." tiff said with a little groan, could things get any weirder....

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