➳ 57 // Last Man Standing

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chapter song: Last Man Standing by People In Planes

"Who's messing round with you in the corner? He better say his prayers"


#Ana's POV#

Luck seemed to be on our side, since the next day we came across a plethora of weapons, which caused us to suit up as soon as we got the chance to and decide to further explore the place.  Me, James and Nina all fast paced down the stairs to meet dad, Daryl, T-dog, Glenn, Maggie and Hershel as they all got ready. Carl was trying, and very strongly failing, to put one of the protective helmets previously found, in his head, causing me to smile slightly.

"You won't need that" Dad said, making his way towards him as me, Nina and James started getting ready too "I need you to stay put" He told him, grabbing the helmet.

"You're kidding" Carl complained, putting his usual brown hat back on.

"We don't know what's in there. If something goes wrong you can be the last man standing. I need you to handle things here." Dad said, receiving a nod from Carl, handing him the cell keys and turning to the rest of the group. "Okay, let's go."

The whole group did as told as we left the cell and headed towards the back part of the building.


It all seemed quiet when we arrived. Daryl slid his arms through the cell door and locked it behind us, as quietly as possible, as he and dad then took the lead. We all walked behind, following their every step, always on the lookout for some strange noise. The hallways were pitch dark, the only source of light being our flashlights as we roamed around, the floor filled with what seemed like remains of what once were people, but were now rotten and cut open pieces of flesh with pools of blood surrounding them. We kept going further, as Glenn spray painted white arrows on the walls as we did, marking our way, so that in case of any emergency run, we wouldn't get lost or caught up. A quick scream was heard as we all turned to the source of it, realizing it had been Maggie who walked towards Glenn.

"That scared the shit out of me oh my god" Nina said, her hand over her chest as she looked at me, letting out a deep breath.

We kept going deeper and deeper into these corridors, and it all seemed peaceful, every turn we had to take filled my body with adrenaline, only to find it relaxing slightly when we realized the place was clear. As usual, dad and Daryl were ahead on the curves and my heart started beating ten times faster when they started backing off.

"Go back, go back! Quick, go back!" Dad said, as the noises coming from the end of the corridor started getting louder and more noticeable, making it clear that it wasn't a matter of simply 2 or 3 walkers.

We ran back, some of us tripping on the human remains on the floor, but finding our balance right ahead, following dad as we lead us out.

"This way!" He screamed "C'mon, this way!"

The noise seemed to only get louder and louder the more we tried running from it, the sound of my heartbeat on my head not being even close to enough to mask it. We ran through the darkness until we found a hidden place, where we all duck and got together, following dad's lead.

"Where's Glenn, James and Maggie?" He murmured.

"We have to go back" Hershel said.

"But which way?" Nina asked, looking at me with worry on her face.

We all exchanged a few looks as dad nodded, standing up and opening up the door behind him, leading us back to the corridors we had previously been on. Once again we followed his lead, but Hershel stopped a bit behind, causing me to stop too, out of confusion.

"Maggie" He murmured "Maggie"

He kept calling her, and I reckon it was best to do so too, so I did the same, calling out for James, hoping he'd hear us and follow our voice. We kept doing this through the corridors, as Daryl occasionally looked at us, as if telling us to shut up, which I ignored.

"Dad?" A faint voice was heard in the distance, causing Hershel to stop following the group and go back to follow the voice.

"Mag?" he called.

I noticed him going back and went after him, slightly behind. I was following his footsteps when he let out a loud scream, causing my ears to ring as I noticed him falling ahead of me. I looked down and saw his calf bleeding, bitten as blood kept pouring. I immediately grabbed my gun and shot it at the walkers head, as everyone else quickly came up to us. Maggie, Glenn and James appeared from the opposite corridor as Maggie let out a loud cry as she was faced with the scenario. Dad quickly handed her the flashlight, rushing towards Hershel, who, with the help of Glenn, was carried out.

"Daryl!" Dad screamed, as a group of walkers came from one end of the corridor, as if asking him to get it. And he did, shooting his crossbow at them.

We ran towards the other end of the corridor only to find it being blocked by another group of walkers. So we ran back again, and turned right onto another hallway, coming across a door, chains locking it. Everyone screamed at T-dog to step up and open the door, as he was the only one carrying tools that could do the job. Once he did, the door swung open and dad ordered everyone to enter what seemed like a cafeteria. We all ran inside as Daryl, T-dog and James had their backs against the doors, pushing on them so the walkers couldn't get in. Glenn and dad laid Hershel down, as he kept letting out screams and moans of pain. Dad ripped open his pants, revealing a pretty nasty wound. He straightened himself and looked around the room, ordering the rest of us to hold him down. I looked at Nina, Glenn and Maggie, who were also, like me, kneeling on the ground around Hershel. We did as told, not questioning his decision as I saw dad taking out his belt, wrapping it tightly around Hershel's upper leg, causing my heartbeat to fasten since I knew what was coming. Nina looked at me, and I nodded, knowing she was thinking the same thing. I held tightly onto Hershel, who kept shaking as dad reached for the axe.

"Only one way to keep you alive" Dad said, giving no one time to even mumble, as he brought his arm up and threw it down again, carving the axe into Hershel's leg, making my stomach twirl upon itself as I tried my hardest to keep holding onto him, as dad had told us to.

Dad kept going, hitting his leg over and over again, causing Hershel to go into a state of shock and pass out as Maggie kept holding onto him. After several hits, he stopped. When I looked up, his leg was split in two. We all stayed in silence.

"He's bleeding out" Dad said.

Before he could even continue, I noticed Daryl's gaze, realizing it going towards the glass at the opposite side of the cafeteria. When I followed it, I saw five shadow figures emerge from it, appearing in the adjacent room.

"Duck" Daryl murmured to dad.

Dad had barely started ducking when me and Daryl both stood up, at the same time, our weapons pointing at the figures ahead, the sync of our movements causing us to exchange a quick look between us before we made our way closer, Daryl's flashlight lightning them up as we realized they weren't walkers, but 5 guys who seemed to be survivors living in the prison. Daryl brought his flashlight focus up, to the face of one of the guys, as I kept my gun up and ready to shot if needed.

"Holy shit" The guy exclaimed. 

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