➳ 63 // Lay All Your Love On Me

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chapter song: Lay All Your Love On Me by Abba (Mamma Mia movie version)

"a little small talk, a smile and, baby, I was stuck"


#Ana's POV#

The next morning I managed to leave the room a little earlier than usual, heading to my cell as I was faced with Nina, sitting in bed and James still asleep in his top bunk. She looked up from the book she seemed to be reading and looked at me in confusion before getting her eyes back to it.

"Good morning" She said, smiling slightly, as I said it back and headed to sit down in my bed. "Up early are we?"

"Yeah, I went to the showers, didn't want to get in line as usual so I just reckoned I'd go early" I lied, not being sure if I wanted to speak up about this, not even sure what this even was.

She looked up at me through her book, raising her eyebrow ever so slightly and shrugged her shoulders, nodding and letting out a small "okay" and a smile. I knew she probably could tell something was fishy but I appreciated her not asking any further and just keep it as it is, for now.


During lunch time all I could seem to notice was the amount of glimpses me and Daryl seemed to be sharing, as little smiles would pop up every once in a while. When everyone seemed to have finished eating, dad went ahead and sorted everyone's tasks for the day. As I heard names go by and people standing up and heading to work, my time came when dad told me I was assigned to go to the watch tower, with Daryl.

The way to the watch tower was filled with silent, only the sound of out feet on the gravel ground being heard as we were nearing the watch tower. Some glimpses were being shared but not as many as the ones we had previously shared.

Daryl was the one who opened the door raising his hand to tell me to go in front of him to which I nodded and made my way up the stairs to the top of the tower where we had a clear view of the whole yard through the glass windows, the balcony outside had some guns there in case of emergencies.

I made my way towards one of the desks that was against a glass wall and sat looking at the outside my eyes sometimes adverting to Daryl who stood still on the balcony, his crossbow on his hands as he kept looking at the surrounding area.

And for a while we did look for anything that could be approaching our area but then I couldn't stop looking at him. He had come inside the tower and placed his crossbow against a wall also pressing his side to it as he kept looking outside and I stared.

I stared at him instead of staring at the outside like I should be, he seemed focused on his task but I had caught him looking at me through the corner of his eyes making a smirk almost appear on my lips as I just looked at the ground before bringing my eyes back up to him.

He was still looking at the outside when I made my way off the desk, the noise of my feet hitting the floor enough to make him look at me from over his shoulder as I started to make my way towards him.

His body actually turned to face him making my heart beat stronger once I was in front of him, my hands going to his arms slowly going up, his head looking down at me and sometimes my fingers that were tracing his bare arms.

Once my hands were laced on the back of his head I got on the tip of my toes bringing him down to meet my lips with his. His hands were then quick to go to my waist pulling me closer as he moved his lips against mine slowly at first and then getting faster and rougher as I started to pull on his hair.

My heart was now beating even stronger and faster against my ribcage, the muffled sound of it surrounding my head as I only focused on Daryl's lips and roamed my hands on his neck sometimes going to his jaw feeling his stubble against my fingers.

I was the one who pulled away, my hands going to his chest and staying there as I took deep breaths trying to regain my breathing back laughing in the process as he kept looking at me now smirking at the way he had left me.

"We should be on watch duty" he said still smirking and bringing his lips to my cheek slowly lowering them to my jaw and making his way to my neck.

"I'm not doing anything now" I said closing my eyes when he started to gently suck on my sweet spot, my head going back allowing him more access.

"You're something" he said when he detached his lips from my neck and then placed his hands on my legs "jump"

He lifted my body as I laced my legs around his waist as he walked towards the desk where he sat me down, my arms laced around his neck as I pulled him close to me kissing him again.

We stayed like that for a while, just kissing and roaming our hands around each other's body and then we ended up both sitting down on top of the desk, our backs pressed against the glass as my head was rested on top of his shoulder.

"What was your first impression of me?" I asked breaking the silence but never looking away from his hand that was playing with my own.

I felt him looking at me surprised by the random question I had just asked so I brought my eyes up to meet his indicating that I was waiting for an answer to the question.

"Well you named your car so that was weird" a small smile formed on my face remembering how weirded out he seemed to be when I had first met him in my jeep "you were different"

"I was pissed when you said my jeep wouldn't make it far" a small smile was now on his lips "I also remember you not talking much around merle and also when I fell asleep on your leg when we went hunting"

"I still got the drool marks from that" he smirked when I brought my hand up and smacked him playfully on his shoulder "also remember you tellin' me I look like a damn guy from that movie and that he was cuter"

I nodded my head remembering saying how much he looked like Murphy "he is very cute indeed"

Daryl looked at me as I stared ahead now thinking about Murphy and how cute I thought he was when I had first seen that movie, Daryl clearly noticed because he placed his arm around my neck pulling me closer.

"Well you ain't fuckin' him so" he tried to hide what could seem like a hint of jealousy on his tone.

"Well you look just like him so I'd say it would count" with a smirk I looked up at him seeing a very straight look on his face as if he was not enjoying that thought at all.

"He can't fuck you like I can"

And with a shake of a head and a small smile from me we went back to being silent but I felt him sitting straighter after I placed my head back on his shoulder making me look up at him again.

"Why did you kiss me?" he asked staring right ahead of him.

"I told you I like stupid guys with blue eyes" I repeated my words not knowing what else to say, denying myself from feeling too much fearing what his reaction could be.

"Yeah" he nodded his head and only lowered his head but still not meeting my eyes "but why?"

I took a deep breath trying to think well of what to say in that moment.

"It felt right" he nodded his head at my response "why did you kiss me back?"

He then looked up at me, his blue eyes meeting my brown ones as his face came closer to mine as he dipped it down to place a kiss on my covered shoulders and then on top of my forehead, his arm pulling me closer towards his chest.

"It felt right for me too"

Keep Breathing for me ➳ Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now