Get Used To Disapointment ~ Chapter Four

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Kailey’s P.O.V

I have to get away from him. I have too! But I didn’t move.  I just stood there, stuck to the ground. Barry looked shocked. We stared at each other, not one of us moving. I flexed my fingers a couple of times, looking from him to the gate and back again. If I run now, I could jump over the gate and get away from him. So I do. I run. Fast, as fast as my legs can take me, I pelt it to the gate and using my hand swing over it and start running again. I don’t stop until another couple of roads away. I’m sure he can’t have followed me all the way. I lean against the wall trying to catch my breath. Then carry on at a slight jog, trying to put as much distance between Barry and me. No one can know my secret. I am so ashamed of myself and if someone finds out then they will tell someone and everyone will end up knowing. Once I reach the school I go to the bathrooms. A young girls face appears in the mirror before me, her face all red on one side and the beginning of a very nasty bruise on the other eye. Sighing, I note how I couldn’t possibly go to class with this; I’ll be a laughing stock!

Just then, the door opens and the tomboy, Kacey, walks in.

‘’Alright, you’re the girl Barry showed round the school, aren’t you?’’ she said in a strong Liverpool accent like her brother. I nod and turn to face her. She smiles at this and says, ‘’ Oi, you’ve got yourself a nice bruiser there, what happened,’’ to this I just look down and stare at my feet. This can not be happening! Now Kacey has seen me, I have to turn up to class, otherwise she will tell on me! Then the bell rings. I look back up at Kacey and she smiles at me and says we better get going so we do. Once we get to the PRU I take the seat I sat in yesterday, the table with no one else on it at the back.

When I hear the door open I know exactly who it is, but I still look up. Obviously Barry is looking at me and our eyes lock.

‘’And why are you late, Barry?’’ Ms Boston calls on him and, still looking at me, says: ‘’Got held up miss, car broke.’’ And walks over and sits next to me. I can smell lynx Africa and mint because he is sat so close. I begin to feel uncomfortable as the lesson starts, so I just look at the desk, counting the scratches made by bored pupils with pens.

‘’you going to tell me what that was all about then or what?’’ Barry asks in a hushed tone, just so I can hear. I get out my notepad and write ‘’No.’’ And pass it to him. He laughs at this which confuses me, I just told him flat out I wasn’t going to tell him. But I glance at him and he has already started scribbling on the paper! No one ever writes in my notebook!

‘’I will find out, you know. I have a way to get people to tell me things. I know you are hiding something and I want to know what it is. And I allways get what I want.

Arrogant git! I think as I start to write my reply.

‘’Well, Barry, get used to disappointment.’’

Who does he think he is! Just trying to get me to tell him things. Well, that is not going to happen.

‘’No’’  Is his reply to that. He just frustrates me so much! The intolerable git! Finally when the bell rings for break, I think I am free. Yeah right! Just as I get up to leave, he grabbes my writs, the one with out cuts, and pulls me back down to my seat next to him. We stay sat in silence as the others file out of the room and finally Ms Boston leaves. Now its just me and Barry. Sighing, he lets go of my wrist and looks me dead in the eye.

‘’Kailey-‘’ he begins but I cut him of by plugging my fingers in my ears. He shoves my hands away from the sides of my heads and starts again.

‘’Kailey, what is going on with you.’’

I look down at me shoes for the billionth time and open my mouth, about to say something when I remember hearing my step-dads voice telling me he never wants to hear my voice again and then memory after memory floods my mind and I stumble, sitting back in a chair. No doubt I am crying but I don’t feel it, I just feel pounding fists and the kicking in the stomache that has become so normal for me. But what I do feel is Barrys arm around my waist, helping me to get back up and holding me still until the memory’s stop and I am left standing with floods coming out of my eyes and cover my face with my hands as I sob. Then there is a hand rubbing my back, and I soon calm down enough to hear whatever Barry is saying.

‘’Kailey, who is Peter?’’ he asks, not knowing and probably not wanting to know the answer. As allways, I stay quiet. He understands this and gets my notepad and hands it too me, indicating for me to write it down. So I do.

‘’Peter is my stepdad.’’  

‘’Why were you telling him to stop?’’ Oh! So that’s how he knows. I must have been talking when I had the flashbacks.

‘’I’m sorry, I can’t do this Barry.’’ I write and he understands, not wanting to push it any further.


Okay, I think that’s chapter four done and dusted! Please tell me what you think!

Also if any of you have a book you want me to read, just leave it on my message board of DM me :P

Please Comment, Vote and all that :P


Kasiaaa xXxXx

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