How About I Teach You? ~ Chapter Five

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‘’Ahem, what is going on back there?’’ I hear Ms Boston call on us. I look at Barry, tears still in my eyes.

‘’Uh nothing miss.’’ Barry says to quickly and earns a glare from her. ‘’Why is Kailey crying? What on earth have you said to the poor girl, Barry?’’

‘’Nothing miss, she…. Um….. She just hurt her foot really badly.’’ Says Barry.

‘’Well if it is that bad, why don’t you take her to the nurse?’’ Challenged Ms Boston. Both Barry and I send her death glares but Barry stands up and holds his hand out to mine.

‘’Come on then, lets get you to the nurse.’’ I take his hand, the same tingling sensation as before kicking in. Then, he bends down and whispers in my ear, ‘’Limp then!’’ I smile and do what he says as I hobble out the door and through a couple of hallways until we are quite a way from the PRU. I thought that I had stopped crying but Barry lent down and brushed a stray tear away with his thumb.

‘’You are going to have to start talking, Kailey.’’ He states. I nod, showing I understood. If I kept on like this, I wouldn’t survive long in this school, people will pick on me and I knew it.

‘’Why don’t you talk? Tell me, please.’’ I start to get my notepad out of my bag but Barry cought my arm and held it, stopping it from reaching and retrieving my notepad. I glare at Barry for doing this who just raises an eyebrow at me.

‘’I said tell me.’’

I open my mouth to say something but no sound comes out. Its not that I was nervous or didn’t want to but I had actually forgotten how to talk. I opened my mouth again and willed myself to speak but again, no sound. Barry frowned, now understanding that I was having trouble.

‘’You don’t know how, do you?’’ I drop my head in shame, but Barry puts and thumb and a finger under my chin and makes me look him in his eyes, not that I minded. They were a nice light icy blue with green specks around it.

‘’How about I teach you?’’ he asks. I think for a second, confused that he had actually said that. No one had ever done this kind of thing for me ever and I didn’t know if I really wanted to trust Barry. But, a part of me already did trust him and that was the part that made me nod my head, slowly at first like I didn’t know what I was doing then faster as I looked into his eyes. He smiled down at me and said we better get into class, or they will be wondering where we are. 


Yeah, yeah, I know I havn't updated in ages and this is really short but I really wanted to write a chapter. This was going to be in chapter seven or something but I had nothing to write about so I just did it here. Next chappie, some one is going to the woods where they may or may not find mushrooms :) I'll update when I get up to 10 votes so if you want more then please vote and all comments are welcome. :)


Kasia ♥♥

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2013 ⏰

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