Chapter Forty-eight: Cassidy

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Horror filled four sets of eyes as we all rose our hands to shield our faces. I felt tiny specks of blood hit the back of my hand.

I stared at the knife gouged in the side of Ivory's head, her dead eyes wide open. I couldn't believe she'd just committed suicide right in front of us. The insanity that filled her disturbed me and I wondered what was going on in her head before she drove her head into the blade.

I looked around. David looked even more shocked and confused than before, if that was even possible. "Do I seriously have to ask again for an explanation here?"

Brandon wiped dots of blood from his cheek while looking at me. "We'll explain later, David. Right now we have bigger problems to worry about." I saw his eyes fall to Rosie's stomach briefly which caused me to do the same. I wondered how badly she'd actually been hurt.

David stared at Brandon for a moment while sighing but he didn't protest. Rosie was avoiding eye contact with me which made confusion swim in my brain.

"We have to get out of here," I said while gazing around the warehouse. I ran to check the first door I saw because I was honestly scared to even attempt to open a portal by myself. But the door was locked and as I turned my back I saw Rosie and Brandon run to check the other doors.

"These ones are locked too," Brandon said.

I bit my lip. If it wasn't obvious that we were trapped before it definitely was now. The windows were most likely all locked too and probably spellbound.

I turned to face all three of my friends. "I'm going to get us out of here." We had to get out of here before something even darker than David in his demotic state arrived and I knew a portal would be the fastest and even safest way.

Brandon looked at me. "Can you?"

I nodded. "I think so."

Rosie was standing by David's side as he gave me a confused look. I tried to smile reassuringly in return.

I noticed that now and then Rosie would hold her stomach as if she was in pain but for some reason she would always remover her hand when I caught her. That worried me, but I had to focus on getting us out of here.

"Okay," I whispered to myself. "I can do this." I closed my eyes and emptied my mind form any thoughts that could potentially distract me from getting the job done. That included good thoughts.

"Be careful, Cass," Rosie said and I smiled. If she was badly hurt I would try my best to make sure that the pain would not get worse.

I turned away from everyone and gently closed my eyes. I thought of a portal and all of my grandmother's words she had sad and the skills she had taught me. When I opened my eyes the portal was there but there was something else.

As I turned around I notice darkness float around my friends and all around. The darkness we were all way too familiar with.

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