The Fires of Hell: Not all s'mores and campfire songs, as previously anticipated.

Warning: Major torture, tbh.


        I let my eyes flutter open, feeling for all the world as if I had just woken up from a comfortable nap. For a moment I believe I had dozed off in an uncomfortable motel armchair, only to remember the events of....whenever I died. I blink, letting my eyes adjust to the dim lighting. I shift in the chair, uncomfortable, until I look down and realize that I am sitting on a chair made of human bones. I scramble up in disgust and horror, backing away from the throne. I tripped on the material of my dress in my frenzy, and fell back, tumbling to the stone floor. I stare in horror up at the throne. It was grotesquely beautiful, the bones fused as if they had been melted, twisting and stacking together, skulls, ribs, hands, feet, forming the dark and looming seat. The throne of what I could only assume to be Hell. I scramble to my feet, examining my body. My wrists, from where they had been slit, were scarred, and I reach a hand to my throat, feeling the familiar texture of not-quite-healed skin.

"Hello, littlest Winchester."

My head shoots up, and I see Lucifer lounging on the throne. I let loose a grin and tilted my head back in laughter. "Well then, come at me you son of a bitch!" I yelled. "I'm already dead. There's not much left you can do to me! Give it your best shot."

Lucifer smiled. "Oh, I like you. You'll be so much more fun than your brother. Plus, there's the added bonus of your boyfriend, Cassy! My little brother is so infatuated with you I won't be surprised if he.... Well, never mind. And your brothers, the poor souls. They're taking this rather hard." He mocked sympathy for those still alive, and anger grated hard against my soul. "Well, might as well get started. Abraxas?"

Lucifer snapped his fingers, and the purple-eyed demon appeared. "Yes my Lord?" A wicked grin appeared on his face, knowing what was in store for me.

"I believe you've met your newest victim?"

"Yes, and ever since I have been dying to taste her again."


Three years. For three years I have spent my days and nights screaming, blood flowing from my skin, my clothing hanging off my body in tattered rags. Any time I get to rest, my mind is plagued with nightmares. Whips, chains, metal, heat, dehydration, drowning, starvation, pain, lust, hatred, anger, fear, the smell of sulfur burning my nose and lungs, fire, exhaustion. I cannot die. But right now, that's all that I want. I beg for Abraxas to knock me out, to hit me so hard I lose consciousness if only for a moment. For a moment of peace, of rest from the pain spiraling continually through my weakened body. When my eyes weren't blurred with tears they were swollen, making it impossible to see clearly. The fear of the unknown only made the torture worse. Abraxas enjoyed every second of it, abusing my body in every way he could think of. Licking the blood off my skin, whispering cruel jokes in my ears, running his hands everywhere. He tortured me in every way he possibly could, except for sexually. The one thing he didn't take was my purity, though that didn't stop his wandering hands. He would mutter in my ear, telling me that he had special orders to save me for his master, Lucifer. That thought alone terrified me to no end. The purple-eyed demon laughed at my pain and fear, my body slackened in the chains I was hung from. I tried to hold on to the memories of my brother and Castiel, but they were slowly slipping away, ripped from my mind like my dignity. Torn and bleeding, Abraxas would occasionally let me down, only to force me to grovel for the slightest drink of water or smallest morsel of food. My once toned muscles were weakening, and my body ached with stress. I can hear footsteps, and I know Abraxas is back, ready and willing to inflict more suffering. I listen for the jingle of chains, the scrape of metal, or the crack of a whip being tested. But it never comes. Instead, the footsteps near my hanging form and I can feel the heat radiating off the demon's body.

"Well done, sweetheart." His lips brush against my ear, hands finding their way to my hips. "You have survived the physical torture."

I struggle to lift my head, looking up into his poisonous violet gaze. "Fuck you." I spit blood in his face.

Abraxas sighs, as if I was a child that had just stolen a cookie. "Baby, is that any way to treat the person that's going to get you down from here?"


"You heard me. Lucifer decided that you needed a break before the second phase. You do remember why he's doing this, don't you?"

I manage a weak shake of my head, signaling that I didn't.

"Well," Abraxas pulled up a chair, sitting on it backwards so he could lean on the back. "The reason he wants you is so he can have a vessel. The reason you made this deal is, if you recall, to keep your dear brother Sammy from being possessed by Lucifer. But naturally, he still needs a proper host. The Winchester bloodline was created for this purpose. Hosts for the most powerful beings of Heaven and Hell. So he figures, 'Hey! I know! I'll offer the littlest Winchester a chance to save her brother, and in return not only do I get to knock her up, but I'll also get a new vessel!'"

I nod, vaguely remembering having a conversation similar to this one with my brothers.

"Buuuut, it's nearly impossible for a mortal to survive a pregnancy inflicted by an angel because the child is only half human. Most only last a couple months, max. That's why Lucifer's letting me play with you. So you'll be strong enough to survive the pregnancy and raise his new vessel."

I let my head drop, tears falling from my eyes. I was scared. More scared than I'd ever been in my entire life.

"Hey, sweetheart, it's okay..." Abraxas' voice was soothing and sounded almost sincere. "I mean, look at it this way! You're basically the princess of Hell! After all this torturing is over, it's yours. All of it. Anything you want for you and your baby, Lucifer will give to you. A palace all your own? No problem! See, it's not that bad. Now, let's get you out of these chains."

I didn't want a castle. I didn't want all the riches of the Underworld, and I sure as hell don't want Lucifer's kid. Abraxas snaps his fingers and the chains release unexpectedly. I begin to fall, expecting to hit the floor, but Abraxas catches me.

"Careful there, sweetheart. Now, let's go get you cleaned up."

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