Rove breakfast

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*that night was a relatively quiet night, Charlotte had woken up during the night but hadn't had a full head fit as she usually would, she instead curled up and went back to sleep, Elise only woke up once and Ryan managed to get to her before dove could hear anything coming through the baby monitor in her room, he had taken her quietly into the kitchen, made her a bottle, gave it to her and then put her back down before creeping back in and very carefully snuggling back up with dove, he would've just left her alone and slept against the wall nearby but she would've ended up waking up had done that because she didn't sleep well without him so she was better off like that, that had been the first and last time they had been awoken that night, it was as though the kids could sense that everything was going back to normal, so that morning when he woke up ready for screaming and crying at half 7 to find none he was so shocked, he made up a bottle for Elise and got out two little jars of baby food for the twins who were slowly working their way off milk and onto solids, he took the bottle into Elise's room and found her just waking up, he smiled as he put the bottle down on the cabinet before scooping his baby daughter out of her crib, gives her a little kiss on her forehead and then grabbed the bottle, sat down and then started feeding her the bottle, he finished that half expecting to find dove walk in but she didn't so he changed her and dressed her before putting her back into her crib, he then tiptoed into the twins' room, grabbed them both up and took them to their high chairs, he pulled up a chair and fed the twins before getting them dressed and then sat them down in the living room where he could see them while he went to check on dove who was still sound asleep, he smiled at how cute she looks, he goes back into the kitchen which was connected to the lounge as one large room and starts to cook breakfast for him and dove, he decided to make French toast and pancakes with whipped cream, strawberries and blueberries which was dove's favourite, he wanted to completely pamper her today, it was their first day alone as a family with Elise so he wanted to make it special, it didn't take too long to make so he dished it up and then placed it on the counter ready to eat, it was still quite warm so he checked the kids were okay and then headed in to get dove, he knelt down next and stroked her cheek and slowly her eyes flutter open*
Ryan: hey baby, morning
Dove: what time is it?
Ryan: about 10
Dove: wait really?
Ryan: yep
Dove: wow I haven't slept this late since before I got pregnant the first time
Ryan: thus the reason I made absolutely certain hat no children would be waking you up
Dove: have they been fed yet?
Ryan: all fed clothed and prepared for the day I have planned for us
Dove: do I like the sound of that?
Ryan: yes you do, I have French toast and pancakes ready for you to eat then we're gonna take a stroll down to the park where you can either sit with Elise and watch me chase the twins around the play stuff or you can do it too and then this afternoon the twins will be with your sister but don't worry Elise will stay with us while I take you shopping as my way of helping you get reacquainted with your body and tackle the issues you had after having the twins straight away so that you can tell me about how you don't feel like you fit anything anymore and I can tell you you're beautiful and stunning and perfect just the way you are a few times and eventually you'll start to believe me and then we can move on from that and we'll put you into a pretty dress we bought whilst we were out or you can go in sweats for all I care and the three of us are going to go out to dinner before we watch a movie all five of us as a family and then after the kids are in bed I was intending to do a few things that the kids cannot be around for
Dove: then what are we waiting for? To breakfast we go
*he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the counter while kissing her neck making her giggle erratically, he puts her down in her seat and kissed her neck one final time*
Ryan: you're adorable, have I ever told you that?
Dove: quite a bit
Ryan: well I'm saying it again
Dove: okay now let's eat
Ryan: easy tiger
Dove: by you're the tiger
*he chuckles as she begins to eat*

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