Los Angles X Vancouver

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*at the end of the week they finished and everything was packed up for Vancouver, when Sunday dawned and it was time for dove to go leaving Ryan became a lot harder than she thought it would be*
Ryan: you got everything?
Dove: umm yeah
Ryan: sure?
Dove: well I am missing three very important things
Ryan: what are they?
Dove: you....Alfie....Charlotte
*she gave him a kiss in between each word*
Ryan: it's a week, we can Skype or FaceTime or call or even text, whatever you need, just not when I'm in a meeting
Dove: why have you got all these meetings again?
Ryan: because life sucks
Dove: I'd say it's pretty good
Ryan: it's be even better if you didn't have to go to Canada
Dove: Canada's nice
Ryan: LA isn't bad either
Dove: one week yeah?
Ryan: yup
Dove: no funny business
Ryan: me?! Funny business?! I'm offended at the thought!
*his sarcastic sass made he laugh, one week without this would be so difficult but she would try her best to hide it and then in a week he'd be with her*
Dove: you're taking me to the airport right?
Ryan: yep I'm gonna be there for as long as I can be before I have to let you go and then I'll be here to watch you take off
Dove: okay
Ryan: call me the second you land
Dove: well not THE second
Ryan: alright as soon as your off the plane
Dove: let me guess and then as soon as we leave the airport and then as soon as we get to the hotel and then when Elise goes to bed and then when I go to bed
Ryan: something like that
Dove: Ryan I'm gonna run out of minutes
Ryan: nah
Dove: you're insane
Ryan: and overprotective
Dove: yep
Ryan: but you think it's sweet so I'm okay
Dove: maybe
Ryan: come on I've gotta get you to the airport in time for your flight
*within half an hour they were at the airport and having to say goodbye*
Dove: take care of yourself and them
Ryan: I know
Dove: I'm gonna miss you so much
Ryan: I know and I'll miss you too but it's only a week and you know if I can get an earlier flight I will
Dove: I know
Ryan: we're saying that a lot aren't we?
Dove: yeah
*at this point she had let a few tears fall and he was trying his best to hold some back, she kneels down to the height of the twins*
Dove: alright you two, now mommy's gonna be gone this week so you've gotta be really good for daddy, me and Elise will see you next week, but I will call and talk to you, I love you guys soooo much, it's insane, never forget that
*she gave them each a kiss on the forehead before Ryan helped her back up*
Ryan: I guess this is it
Dove: yeah
Ryan: great the paps are here, come on you'd better get to your flight
Dove: okay
*they hug and they have a long kiss*
Ryan: I'm gonna miss those
Dove: me too
Ryan: it's gonna be really weird without you
Dove: me too, I have no snuggling buddy
Ryan: as long as you're careful I'm sure you and Elise could have a snuggle
Dove: not the same thing at all
Ryan: I know
Dove: bye
Ryan: bye
*they looked at each other for one final second before dove headed to check in for her flight, little did they know of the troubles ahead*


I did a thing you guys are not going to be happy about 😂😂 xoxo

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