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*after finishing breakfast and putting the in their room with the monitor on they go and sit down on the couch quickly before they go out to the park*
Ryan: there will almost certainly be press out there so if that's a problem we don't have to do this
Dove: no park with my family, that is where I want to be and where I should be
Ryan: okay then let's get dressed because I'd rather not have either of us walking around the park in our pyjamas, I can see the headlines now
Dove: yeah we really should, do we need to get Elise dressed?
Ryan: nope that was second on my checklist after feeding her
Dove: okay
Ryan: it's not that cold outside but do me a favour and take a jumper anyway, you get cold whether it's cold or not
Dove: I do not
Ryan: whatever you say
Dove: shhh
*she jumps up onto him with her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, he chuckles, wraps his arms around her middle and carries her into the bedroom to get changed*
Dove: I missed this
*ryan puts her down on the bed as she speaks*
Ryan: what? Me carrying you around
*they both laugh a little*
Dove: no, well yeah but not just that, this us being us, a team
Ryan: me too
*she gets back up and step towards him, she then goes around him so she's between him and the wall and he's between her and the bed, she gets up on her tippytoes but still can't quite reach so he bends down a bit to help her and she kisses him finding one hand tangled in his hair and the other on his side, she slowly steps towards him and forcing him to step back before he sits on the bed and then ends up led there with her on top of him, she goes to deepen the kiss when he stops her*
Ryan: tonight Chlo
Dove: why? you not want me?
Ryan: of course I do baby, by we have three kids awake and we'd probably just get interrupted
Dove: but I want you now
Ryan: baby I always want you, I am always yours and I will always want you in every way, but right now we'll just have to make a kiss enough, I put as much love into that as a I do anything else we do, I don't need to have sex with you to enjoy you because I enjoy everything about you, even a fight with you however much it may kill me to argue with you, you're still adorable even when you cry or you scream at me
Dove: I just feel so wrong, so out of place and I don't know why, I feel like I'm not who I am, who I used to be and I don't understand
*she rolls of him onto her back as she lets a few tears fall, he pulls her to to him so her head is resting on his arm, he wraps his arms around her and kisses the top of her head*
Ryan: baby, that only because you didn't get to settle back in the way you should have and that's my fault
Dove: it's not your fault
Ryan: it doesn't matter either way that's what today's for so let's have a good day and settle back into a routine
Dove: okay
Ryan: let's get you changed
Dove: and you
Ryan: whatever, come on

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