Not what they seem

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*the next morning dove starts to wriggle a bit causing Ryan to wake up , he hears her low mumbles and see her wriggle, she looks like she's on the front end of another night mare*
Ryan: chlo baby, shhh shhh, wake up sweetie, it's okay
*chloe jolts awake, seeming rather startled*
Ryan: what's going on baby? Secrets, nightmares, what's happening with you?
Dove: it's stupid, I don't even know why all this is happening over it, it's nothing you need to worry about
Ryan: babe
Dove: it's nothing, really I've got it all under control, I'm fine
Ryan: clearly you're not now what's going on
Dove: I've been having the dizzy spells again
Ryan: okay....
Dove: I guess I must've passed out once because Sofia walked in and apparently I was on the floor, Elise was screaming, apparently it was a bit of a scene, it's was in my trailer, she found me and sorted me out, I woke up straight away but I don't know, it's all really fuzzy
Ryan: why didn't you say
Dove: because it wasn't the only time....
Ryan: what?!
Dove: I convinced sof not to tell anyone but she made me go see a doctor
Ryan: baby why didn't you tell me, I should've been there for you
Dove: I was embarrassed, I kept getting really dizzy and passed out a few times and I just felt really stupid
Ryan: what did the doctor say?
Dove: they....they did a bunch of tests and they w....want me to start taking some medication to help stop me fainting and stuff
Ryan: why didn't you call me? I would've come up there
Dove: and then this wouldn't have happened! God I'm so stupid!
*dove begins to cry*
Ryan: no you're not baby, it was my fault
*he cradled her gently against him and he rocks her a little, trying to soothe her, she was a wreck but he couldn't figure out why she was so allowed over the place*
Ryan: is there something else you're not telling me?
Dove: w....what?
Ryan: baby you're a're having nightmares and don't pretend you're not, what's going on?
Dove: I....I don't know, I really don't know
Ryan: you do
Dove: I'm not...
Ryan: I know you're not, maybe in the future but that's not what I mean right now
Dove: I can't
Ryan: tell me the truth sweetie, it's okay
Dove: I....I can't....not yet
Ryan: please?
Dove: it's just been bad in Vancouver without you
Ryan: bad?
Dove: one of the AD's, he's been calling me names and pushing me around
Ryan: what?!
Dove: he says I'm just a stupid blonde, he says I'm worthless and I'm just some skinny slut who looks good on camera
Ryan: who said that because I swear to  god I'll kill him
Dove: no ry I'm dealing with it, you gotta focus on you
Ryan: I'm not gonna do that while someone's being rude to you
Dove: it's not that bad
Ryan: it is!
Dove: no ry it's not and there's nothing you can do about it so just let it go tiger
Ryan: you have to tell Kenny, Chlo if you don't tell him I will
Dove: it's nothing
Ryan: that is not nothing and you know it isn't
Dove: ry please just forget it
Ryan: Chlo, either you tell Kenny or I do, end of story
Dove: fine I'll do it
Ryan: thank you


Now you know the secret, I honestly hadn't decided until I wrote it then gone half way through and then changed my mind 😂😂 so yeah hope this all makes sense 😂😂 xoxo

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