New beginnings

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*its finally come, the last week of filming and doves last week of acting for the foreseeable future, but this was a special day, she felt like she could never be brought down again, she couldn't be happier, she walked out to where everyone seemed to be in a group huddle on the set or something they were just all crowded together and her nerves grew but she couldn't stop feeling so happy, Ryan's eye caught hers as she headed towards the group, she smiled the biggest smile she'd ever had and his breath caught in his lungs as she did, he couldn't believe it*
Dove: guys, I....well we have an announcement to make
*she stops by Ryan and stands just in front of him, he wraps both arms around her and she knows exactly what he's feeling for, she holds out the thing in her hand and squeals a little at this point all the guys new what they were wanting so she was sure they'd all be as excited as she was when she tells them her news*
Dove: I'm pregnant!
*everyone gathers around the happy couple in a big group hug, having been feeling nauseous for the third day in a row dove had gone to the store and gotten a pregnancy test, actually she had gotten three because she wanted to be absolutely 100% sure but they had all read positive*
Ryan: nine months
Dove: seven
Ryan: what?
Dove: I've already skipped 7 weeks
Ryan: what?
Dove: clearly you were right, every time we have sex without a condom I do get pregnant
Ryan: told you
*they start talking to everyone else in excitement and anticipation, it was almost like a dream, so much excitement*
John: I hate to break up the fun guys but we really do need to get back to work
Emmy: Chlo come tell us everything!
Shelby: yeah we may need a few tips
Emmy: Shelby!
Dove: wait are you guys saying....?
Emmy: well we are a squad
Dove: oh my god you guys!
Shelby: talk about things to do as a group
Emmy: umm I may have a tiny secret just while we're on big news, I was gonna tell you guys but then I don't know I just didn't
Shelby: what?
Emmy: I'm already a mom
Dove: woah
Shelby: that's big news
Dove: since when?!
Emmy: Benny's a little over a year old
Shelby: how did we never know this?!
Emmy: no one did really
Dove: clearly today's the day for big news
Shelby: apparently
Emmy: well this is gonna be fun
Dove: you don't have to tell me twice
Shelby: don't you have a thing for having twins?
Dove: don't even go there, just don't do it
Emmy: come on guys time to work


Just felt like confusing you a lot, anyone feeling a little bewildered? 😂😂 xoxo

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