Return to old life

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(I wanted to give you the meaning to some words:  Dowser= police, Political Heads = senators,  ves = electronic money, ves-tab = cash and Onig = drug)

That was a cool planet as far as planets go. The people there were a bit on the cold side for her though.

Thank goodness her trip was a short one. Never in all her life had she ever dreamed she would be doing what she is doing for a living. She is what is called a runner. Well she calls her self a runner. What the Dowser authorities call her is a thief. But anyone, who is anyone in her circle knows she prefers to be called a runner.

Her name is Janara and what planet she originated from, no will ever know. She still had family there and she wants to keep them safe.

Her last run was too close. The dowser's were right on her ass. Someone had to have leaked out the information where her next hit was. She could not figure out who could it be, since the information was put in a cryptic file.

She was given an assignment to run a shipment from Grena, the fire planet to Enock the ice planet. The two planets have been in a war since before time. She doubted they even knew what they were fighting for anymore.

The dowser's were there waiting for her. It took almost everything in her arsenal not to be captured. She escaped without the item.  She swore this was her last run. Her luck was wearing thin.

"No more running" she told herself. She had to find herself a decent job and try to settle down some where.

"Mira find the closest, newly inhabited planet."

The ship replied" The closet planet is number Q1559. The Qua planet. Newly terra formed and inhabitants are humanoid. Approximately populated by 201 souls.

That sounded real good to her. New planet must have a need for a dentist. That was her previous life before running. " I think it's time to try to pick up were I left off."

She smiled as she remembered  how different her life used to be. She was still to young to get tied down at the time, even though her aunt would argue other wise. She can hear her now. "Janara , time still ticks and soon you'll realize that time plays a cruel joke on a women's beauty. I must say it has been more than kind to me, but look at your cousin Kena. She is still single and no man in there right mind will have her as a wife."

"Aunty please don't speak about her that way. You know she still in morning from loosing Gerald. They were only married for a few months before he died serving the political head. She will find someone when it's time. As for me, time doesn't scare me. So don't you worry about me and your right. Time has been kind to you. Why haven't you remarried after uncle died?"

That immediately caused her to walk off and not look back at her. Maybe she should have gotten married. If only it was that easy.

Janara & The DowserWhere stories live. Discover now