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The sky mimicked the colors of fallen rose petals. White and pink and if it could be touched it would probably feel like silk. The weather stayed at a perfect 80 degrees, coaxing the old and the young to come out enjoy the rays wash over there skin.

This is Qua the youngest terra formed planet in the galaxy. The inhabitants were settlers who were tired of a polluted society. Going back to the dark ages where there were wires strung from home to home was not exceptable. Walking on soft earth was a welcome to walking on the hard stone walks they were raised on.

The houses were designed with the thought of the old west but with modern day improvements. The civilians were able to be shuttled back to the home planet if desired. The space port was off in the distance, so it did not disrupt the everyday coming and going of the town.

Mora Advi, the new dowser of the colony, watched as the people walked by and carry on their daily lives. As he stood there watching, his mind decided to remember his recent past. Dowser Advi was a well decorated officer. He was moving up in ranks very quickly. The other dowser's started to dislike and distrust him.

The political head Titus was a cruel and insane person. Titus ordered ten dowser to go the Bigum colony to break up a protest.

Once they arrived the dowser's went to work breaking up the crowd. Titus had other plans. He commanded two of the other dowser's to obtain two civilians and use them as an example to keep order.

One of the dowser took a woman with child and shot her, ending her life immediately. The second dowser was even more cruel. He grabbed a young child from his mother's arm's and was aiming to kill him. Advi could not have that. Advi aimed is gun to the dowser holding the child and fired. Hitting him in the shoulder causing the dowser to let him go.

The crowd ran away and Advi looked into the dowser's eye's he shot. He new this unit was corrupt but he did know just how corrupt. Once Titus found out what he had done. Titus sent him into to space to patrol the galaxy. That was over ten years ago.

Titus mysteriously died and the new political head, Gana assigned him to this new terra formed planet. She was there at the protest and she remembered what he had done.

Advi was grateful to be on solid ground again. His attention returning to the present, he watched the new dentist have a conversation with Mrs. Walt. He wonder what was so funny since they have been laughing for quite some time now.

"eeehmm dowser Advi are you here?"

He looked over to his right and there stood Ana Mari. A young girl that is blossoming into a woman and has her eyes set on him.

"Yes, I am here. Is there something I can help you with?"

"Why yes you can. You can help me have a dance with you tonight at the party."

She looked at him batting her eye, trying to lure him in. If he were twenty he could see making a play for her. But he felt old enough to be her father. Better yet the uncle.

"There will be other gentlemen there to dance with." he said then notice the defeated look on her face. He never like that look on a woman and he will not put it there on a young blossoming one.

"But if I see the opportunity for a dance, I will gladly have it with you."

She smiled and that glint of young, untainted hope crossed her eyes.

"I will hold you to that. See you then." She walked off switching her hips a little to much for his taste.

"Well that was a nice thing you did Dowser Advi." A soft, sensual voice said.

Advi turned seeing Janara standing right next to him. He never heard her approach, but her scent was maddening.

"Thank you. I there something I can help you with?"

She smiled at him with those bowed pink tainted lips and his heart started to beat erratically.

"No I just wanted to say hello and ask when are you going to come to my office for a cleaning?"

Advi figited a little was there something wrong with his teeth?

"I'm not saying anything is wrong with them, but everyone should have a good cleaning. I expect to see you in my office soon." She said then walked pass him, going to the direction to her home.

She swayed when she walked, it was very graceful. No forced moment in it at all. He looked at her small waist and wonder how it would feel to hold it.

Advi shook his head to clear it from those thoughts. He couldn't be with her. They were not compatible. He doubted there is anyone out there compatible for him, but Janara was hard not to look at. She kept her hair pulled in a loose braid. He wonder how soft it would feel. That was it. He needed to go home and clean up for this party. He needed to relax and have a few drinks and try to keep Janara out of his head.

Janara smiled when she walked off. She knew he was watching her walk away. Just like she knew when he was watching her talk to Mrs Walt. Advi was very attractive, he'll due to scratch an itch until she found a mate. She knew he was interested, now it's time to stoke the fire.

Janara & The DowserWhere stories live. Discover now