Chapter 1

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It was not my intention to begin this way. I came here to express how I was feeling toward mind over matter, danger over safety, the easy route, the hard route, but somehow this turned into me telling all of my mistakes and how one decision I made changed my entire life.
It was the summer leading into senior year, I began my summers out the normal way; by doing nothing, nothing and more nothing. 3 of my favorite things. This summer was different than my previous summers, I now had my driver's license and my own car, meaning I could go any and every where I wanted. I had no intention to abandon the security of my house during the daylight hours. I sat in front of my tv with my cereal bowl in my one hand, tv remote in another. When I found a station I decided I'd watch I began to devour my cereal like an animal devours its prey. It may have looked weird to any outside viewer considering I was sitting in my front room that has a giant greeting window eating cereal on my couch, in my bathing suit. My parents always warned me about roaming our house in the "nude" while I was home but I never really listened to them much. I got up from my seat at my luxurious couch only to receive a relocation call when I got halfway to the kitchen. I heard my normal iPhone ringtone and answered without looking at the caller ID.
"Hello?" I said.

"Hey girl, what you doing?" a light breathless voice said.

"What's going on?" I proceeded to continue on with my food quest while on the phone.
"It's Jessica, your friend Maddie is here."
"Oh okay, have we ever met before Jessica?"

I heard what sounded like a groan. "No, we haven't Gabriella, but your friend is passed out in my living room, can you come and get her?"
"O-oh, yeah sure I'll be right there, text me your address Jessica?"
She had the bitchest tone to her voice, queen bee mixed with head cheerleader.

"Okay, sure." I could almost feel her rolling her eyes as she spoke. I slipped on clothes on the floor of my room while I waited for Jessica's text to arrive. About 5 minutes, she texted me her address. I rolled my eyes wondering what took her so long to text me, was she too busy making out with her football player boyfriend? talking to her cheer squad? or worse, doing something to Maddie. I grabbed my car keys and quickly looked in the mirror before I left. I gently tugged on my tie dye shirt so it met my waistline my jean shorts hugged and proceeded to put my hair back into a ponytail. I practically ran out the door while I worried about Maddie. I got into my car, frantically putting on my seat belt and reversing out of my driveway. I flipped on my radio, some jams wouldn't be bad while I sped my way to Jessica's house. Bad decisions by Ariana Grande came on, I quickly changed the station to 97.5 which played all time hits. I braced myself as the beginning of my all time favorite song comes on. "Fuck yes!" I screamed as I turned up to 3AM by Matchbox Twenty. "And the rains gonna wash away I believe this" I sing along at the top of my lungs as I drive. By the time Rob Thomas's angelic voice was off my sound system, I was in Jessica's driveway. I turned my car off, looked at my own reflection, and shrugged my negative thoughts off. It must have been obvious I was there because by the time I was ready to get out Jessica's garage door was going up, revealing Maddie sitting in a lawn chair half asleep. I hurried over to her side, forgetting to close my car door behind me. "Hey sugar tits" I smiled as if it was the first time I'd seen her hungover to the point where she barely responded. "Hi Gab, thanks for coming and getting me, you know Sheryl wouldn't have come and got me" She grinned wide, revealing her scent of liquor. Sheryl is Maddie's mom, who had no idea she was at the party.I helped Maddie out of her chair and into my car only to be called over by Jessica. She gave me an up down look, searching for something to make fun of I'm sure. "Make sure your dweeb ass friend doesn't get wasted at my house again." She growled as she spoke. "How about next time you don't invite her?" I grinned and gave her the middle finger, only hearing Maddie yelling from my car "You go girl!!"I then met Maddie in my car, turning the key to start the ignition. She had liquor stains up and down her shirt, as if someone had spilled 4 different kinds of drinks all over her. I pull out of Jessica's driveway and begin back to my house. "Did you have a good night with your sugary tits?" I giggle and look over at her. She slouched in her seat, putting her knees on the airbag compartment. "One of the best, frosty nips" "Ooh nice one" I grin as she nods. We then drove in silence back to my house. When we arrived we both got out of my car and proceeded into laying on my couch, right where I had wanted to be all morning. Within a few hours, she was rested and hydrated and ready to talk to me. "You know, you should come with me to a party" She grinned with her usual nice girl grin. I shrugged. "Maybe." "You have to, come on you never do anything fun" I had hoped she was still hungover, not knowing what she told me. "Haha, yeah sure why not" I said jokingly. She put her arm on my leg and grinned. "Tomorrow night."At that moment, I knew she was serious. I wouldn't have minded going to a party if I didn't already know what happens at those parties. Drinking, drugs, smoking, none of the things I was interested in. I had no idea how to dress let alone how to even try to talk to anyone there. But I had agreed, and now I was screwed.   

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