Chapter 6

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I ran as quick as I could to the silver elevators, I practically bolted on and off, even into a nearby human around the same age as me. We both plopped on the ground, the adrenaline pumping through my veins made it so I got up as quick as I could, lending a hand to him.

"Hey, I'm sorry for running into you like that." He questioningly took my hand and I helped him up.

His dark brown curly hair flopped on to his forehead as he looked back at me. "It's alright, I see you're in a hurry." He leaned over and picked up his black hat off the ground.

"I'm Gabriella, it's nice to meet you, but you see I really have to go see my friend, she's supposed to wake up soon and-"

He cut me off "Hey, no worries! I'm Steve. I'll be here if you want to fall for me again" He chuckled to himself.

I laughed a little. "That was actually a good one! But hey, I'll see you around!"

"I'll see you next fall!" He grinned at me as I turned around, as I began walking toward Maddie's room I heard him mumble. "Jesus."

I bolted into Maddie's room and sat next to her mom. Sheryl had a grin on her face and a warmth in her heart, she gave me a short, loving hug. Her and I were both extremely excited at the thought of Maddie waking up. The doctors had not told us how long it would take Maddie to wake up, but we were told that she would most likely remain in the hospital until labor day. The thought of my best friend being trapped in a place like this made my heart ache.

Around 10:30PM Sheryl and I decided I would go to the cafeteria and get us some food to eat, considering both of us hadn't eaten since noon. It was nice, catching up with Sheryl that is. I typically would have a brief conversation when I was at Maddie's house but that's about it. I heard about everything, her job, her divorce, her social life and well, everything else I never knew about her. I ended up with some company in the elevator to the first floor, and luckily enough for me, it was Steve. I watched him practically run to make sure he didn't miss the elevator and even held the door for him. He breathlessly thanked me and grinned fixing his black hat. I wanted to say something clever related to how I had literally ran into him in the hall, but I couldn't think of anything.

"Quitting time?" I smiled.

He chuckled gently. "No, I don't work here!"

"Yeah, me either."

"Here to see your friend" He smiled gently at me.

"Wait, you're here to see my friend? How do you know my friend?" I smiled, holding in my giggling.

He nudged me as the elevator stopped at the 2nd floor. "No silly goose."

We both stepped closer, practically shoulder to shoulder as a few nurses in scrubs entered the elevator. We exchanged smiles as the elevator proceeded to go down, knowing not to make fools of ourselves. The nurses left the elevator first, hoping to catch the parking booth before everyone and their grandma left the hospital for the night.

"I'm going to the cafeteria, so you probably shouldn't follow me, unless you're planning on staying here all night" I informed him.

"Lucky enough for you, I was planning on staying here all night, so I might just follow you, not only on instagram."

The two of us laughed as we entered the cafeteria. As we picked out our platters of plenty we remained talking and sharing jokes to one another. Leading to us once again ride the silver elevators alone.

"You know, you seem really nice, we should most definitely be friends, like the good kind, not the shitty kind you give your number to and they ignore you for 6 hours only to reply with K." He reached into his back pocket and took out his phone. "What do you say? Mutual agreement not to ignore each other?"

I couldn't help but laugh at the grin on his face and reality of what he was saying. "I mean if you say so" I took his phone with my free hand and put in my contact info then texted myself.

When the message sent the elevator stopped on our floor. We walked together in silence, still partially hyped from his last joke, until he stopped in front of a door.

"Hey, listen Gabriella, this is my stop, I'll see you around alright?"

I smiled. "Yeah, I'll be timing, don't worry."


"Yeah, to make sure I only text back after 5 hours not 6."

We both exchange another smile and part our separate ways.

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