Chapter 5

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I opened my eyes slowly, blurry sights all around me, I didn't remember what had happened the night before. I tore the sheets off of my revealed chest quickly, to realize I had not even changed in my pajamas. Hobbling over to the bathroom, only to look in the mirror. I pushed my hair behind my ear. Ignoring my roaring headache, I proceeded to get into the shower and get ready for my summer day like any other. When I was in the shower I came to the conclusion that no matter how much my head pounded, there was only one person I could think of. Jay. The thought of his smile, his arms around me, the way his hair flopped on his forehead when he looked at me. God, I wanted to see him again. So I picked up my phone, only to dial his number.

"Hey" He answered, sounding as if he, himself was smiling.

"Hey" I felt a smile inch across my face.

"What are you doing today?"

"Nothing I know of, just hungover. You?"

"I'm coming to see you, okay?" I heard the concern in his voice when I had said I was hungover.

"Okay Jay."

"I'll text you when I get there" He said.

As we hung up I quickly ran into my room, hurrying into my favorite tie dye shirt and jean shorts, forcing my hair into a ponytail. I ran back to the bathroom to put new deodorant and perfume on. I was hungover, not dead. Ding! Went my phone, the screen lit up,

I read Jay: Hey, I'm at the front door.

I ran over to the front door, opening it for him. "Welcome to mi casa!"

He laughed at my failure of a joke, I knew he was a keeper. "Thank you, princessa."

As he walked in, he took his shoes off, leaving them in front of the door. He walked through my house, carefully taking into account the ones of me when I was younger than 10. I sat on my couch watching him, the excitement on his face when he saw me was the way every girl wanted to be thought about. Even if he was unaware of it, he had my heart.

He turned toward me, grinning. "You were so cute as a child"

I laughed as I threw a decorative pillow at him. "Haha let me guess, what happened?"

He brought the pillow over to me, his retaliation plan wasn't the best. "I wasn't going to say it." He leaned over me to put the pillow behind my head, grinning when he got a look in my eyes. God, I was so in love.

He put his hand gently on my cheek. "Comfy?"

I nodded as he began to pull back, only to wink again. "Jay." I mumbled.

Suddenly, he had known exactly what I wanted, he gently but forcefully crashed his lips into mine.

I could not tell you how long we kissed for. We didn't let anything stop our kiss, including the recurring ringtone coming from my phone on the side table.

Around 3 in the afternoon, Jay went home. The silence quickly began to haunt my insides. I picked my phone up from the side table. I felt a gasp leave my lips as I read that the calls we openly ignored, were from Maddie. The walls felt as if they were closing in, I had never believed I would care more about a boy then the own health of my best friend. My hands began to shake, teeth chattered and heart broke as I called her back.

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