Chapter 3

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I didn't hear from Maddie for a few days. I had assumed someone else had brought her home as usual. But they didn't, 4 days after the party I received a phone call from Sheryl mentioning the party, alcohol and fact that Maddie had overdosed. I was unsure what she had overdosed on, or who even brought her to the hospital. All I could think about was how much trouble I was going to get in if my parents found out about the party. I hurried my way over to the hospital, parked in the parking garage and practically ran to the front desk.

"Hi, I was wondering what room Maddie Walters is in?" I faked a smile as I spoke.

The nurse in blue scrubs looked in the computer for her name. "It looks like she's on the fifth floor, room 40, take the green elevators."

"Thank you!" I grin.

I walk my way to the green elevators and click the up button. As I await for an elevator to open another person comes and stands next to me. He was holding flowers in one hand, his iphone in the other and worry on his face. As soon as the elevator opened up him and I both got in.

"What floor?" I asked.

"3 please." He nodded as he spoke.

I clicked the third floor button and not long after his phone rang.

"Yes, yes, babe I know-bab-babe. Let me speak. I'm on my way." He spoke into his phone until the elevator doors opened. He walked out and the doors soon shut. I looked at the directory next to the floor numbers out of curiosity. Floor 3 said nothing next to it, which made me wonder what it was all about. The rest of the elevator ride I was silent until I arrived at floor 5. As the doors opened I ran out, attempting to find Maddie's room as quickly as possible. I had rushed so much I had actually missed the room and Sheryl soon came and found me.

"Gabriella darling, you passed the room." She spoke.

I turned around, embarrassed in my flaws. "Woops, I was rushing a little."

She pulled me into her arms, holding me against her tight. "I know, it's okay honey."

The moment she said that, I wondered if she had meant it, were things really okay? No. No they were not. The afternoon was wide and uneventful, Maddie was in a chemically induced coma due to her lungs issues with getting rid of carbon dioxide. Sheryl and I were waiting for the doctor to come in and tell us the results of what she had overdosed on.

It all began with a knock.

"Doctor" We heard, beginning to wake and sit up.

Sheryl walked over to him only to discuss the chaos her daughter had brought herself into. They spoke for a while, long enough for me to text Jay and ask him to find out where a party was at tonight.

Sheryl came and sat next to me, tears in her eyes, all of her hopes and dreams washed away. "Heroin."

I nodded, trying to look extremely sympathetic as my phone anxiously vibrated in my pocket.

"Gab, she might not make it." A single tear ran down her face, I was speechless. I had too many questions that could not have been answered, so I wrapped my arms around her and held her tightly, trying to get her to put her head on my shoulder so I could get my phone out and read Jay's text.

Jay: Michael's house, I can't go tonight though, sorry love.

Michael's house it was.   

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