Chapter six / No Home Boy

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The pic is something i drew of bill.... Im  a bad artist.
but picture him however you want (from the description in chapter 1)
Edit: Thanks for all the support for the story everyone! It means a lot to mean to see that people are enjoying it.

"Soooo, you can't hold your human form for a long time." Dipper and Bill were walking to the Mystery Shack after agreeing to be some-what friends. Dipper still doesn't fully trust him.
"Nah, only if i commit to it and let all my powers go. But I'd never do that!"
"Who would." Dipper smiled.

Once they arrived at the Mystery Shack Dipper turned to Bill.
"Well, see you late. I guess.."
"Oh yeah! I forgot to ask.. Could I... I dunno stay the night?"
"I mean If I made a house it would be suspicious and all. So can I just stay here until I find a place..?"
"How long would that take?"
"Who knows."
"You should."
"Wow. So is that a no?"
"What! No.. I didn't say no."
"So I can?"
"I guess.. If you fix my room.." (Lol flashback to chapter one or two or something)

They walked in to see that Grunkle Stan was home.
"Hey, Dipper. I see that you made a friend." He was eating some popcorn while watching T.V.
"Yeah, and I was wondering if he could stay the night?"
"Why do you need a reason? Does Mabel need to give you a reason?"
"Then why do I?"
"Alright, you got me. He's allowed to crash here."
"One more thing. Did you go upstairs yet?"
"No, right when I got home I went to microwave popcorn and came here. Why?"
"No reason."

Dipper turned to Bill.

"Do I need to tell him my name?" Bill whispered.

"Only if he asks!"
Dipper smiled as they both went upstairs to fix the room.

"Sooo, how do you fix it?"
Bill snapped his fingers and turned back to his original triangle form.
Dipper was kinda bummed out to realize that Bill's human firm was only a magical illusion.
With another snap the room was back to normal.

"Couuld you turn back now?"
"Why? It's more comfortable this way.. Don't have to deal with all the fleshy human stuff."
"Fine and thanks.. I guess."
"You are welcome!"

Should I make them share a bed.
And cuddle.
Man that'd be adorable.

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