Chapter Eight // Just.. see ya later

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Dipper awoke alone in his bed to the sound of his sister snoring. He sat up, there was a note at the foot of his bed.
Obviously, it was from Bill.


After last night I decided to leave. My only intention of finding you was to find a way out of this dimension. I didn't mean to get close to you. it made me feel.. different. by different I mean. safe.

But if there wasn't anymore 'me' you all would have nothing to worry about. you could live out your small live as normal humans with no strange things happening ever again. thinking about that made me just think about wanting to stay human with you. 

but I can't. I can't get to close to you. knowing you still have a grudge against me trying to take over Earth. 
even if you say you don't. I know you do.

I almost spent all night writing this. I couldn't sleep. I probably don't need to. but just laying there in silence in the dark with faint moonlight coming through the window really makes you think. just like, think human. with all these emotions. so I just couldn't handle it. this won't be goodbye. I just need time alone.

see ya later I guess,


After reading the letter, Dipper was kind of surprised that bill would write something like this. but soon his hands quivered as he quickly got up getting his clothes on and running out the door.

he could hear a faint "Dipper where ya goin'?" from Mabel.

Dipper ran into the forest looking all around. he stopping suddenly.


"where are you?"

//sorry but my keyboard is glitching out a lot 

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