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A/N: Yes! It's another Spoby story. It's not as creepy as it may sound from the summary, I swear. 😂 It's just another fanfiction to kill your feels. (: Before we actually get to the reading part, Yes, the edit above and the book cover are both MY edits; as well as all of my other book covers that are edits. 😏 Okay enough of this long rant, on to the story!
Toby's POV

I spent a lot of time watching her. Sometimes from across the classroom, sometimes through her bedroom window. I don't really know why, she's kind of a mystery. So many secrets, little words said. She kept to herself, never feeling like she had to say anything at all. Many thought her to be shy; just the quiet girl in the back of the classroom that ducked her head so she wouldn't be called on. She doesn't realize just how beautiful she really is; instead just retreating into herself and blocking out the harsh world. I've noticed her journal, the one she stores away and takes with her everywhere. I suppose writing is her escape; an exit in her life that nobody knows about. Many label her shy, but that isn't it. She's a mystery; a head full of words that are never spoken; a house almost always empty like the persona she gives off. Maybe that's what she is; an empty soul with an incomplete heart. Maybe she just needs somebody to pick up all of her beautiful pieces and place them back together. She sits alone, hand dancing page after page and spilling her soul out. Not to a human being, but to a piece of paper and the ink she spills on the pages. Never to me, the one observing her own story, but to the one she's writing on her own. I don't know what it is, but I will soon. How do I know that? I'll be watching then too.

All I want is to be close to her, to see the light in her mocha hues ignite every time she lifts a pencil. And as much as I admire that glow, I want to be the reason a new found glint illuminates her gorgeous doe-like orbs. I want to be the reason she forgets about everything swarming her beautiful head. I want to be the one to solve her puzzle and complete her heart like nobody ever did. And last, I want to be the pages. The ones she reveals all of the things she never says and the ones she needs most. I want to be the pages; they complete her in a way I need to more than anything else I've ever needed the most.

A/N: Yes, I know, another author's note. I just want to say that I'm excited to see where this story goes, and I'm excited to see y'all's reactions! Which reminds me, comment below and tell me what you think?¿ This is only the beginning, there's so much more to come. 😉😈

Until we meet again,
- Marissa. 🍕

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