It Takes Everything in me not to Call You

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A/N: This chapter is dedicated to my babes, ashadymotel . She l o v e s this story and constantly reminds me to get around to the update on this one. 😂 My poor little bean is at an internet-less camp, so this will be her surprise when she gets back home!


( I know, I know, you love me )
*winkedy wink wink*
Third person POV ( general )

Weeks had passed, and although the two had grown significantly closer, he could tell, he could feel, that there was a whole part of her that he had yet to meet. She had a wall built around her that he had managed to successfully dent on several different occasions, but he hadn't yet cracked anything; hadn't even begun to reach the surface. And he knew that when she was ready to show him who she really was; when she was ready to allow him to meet the girl she was in the journal she kept, that he'd accept her...

( and love her anyways )

She grew up in a family that it would be impossible not to make mistakes in; a family that pushed their children to the breaking point, maybe even further. He knew there was baggage she held back; problems she believed were solely her own to handle.

And that weight crushed her.
He knew.
She was small, perhaps borrowing strength to hold her issues from habits she had picked up on; unhealthy coping mechanisms.

He suspected,
suspected suspected and suspected,
but he never said anything.

He was nothing if not intuitive, and it didn't take long after they started regularly hanging out for him to realize that she was stronger than anybody else he ever knew; that she believed she needed to do everything completely on her own even though everybody needs a little help sometimes. He suspected, again, that she could probably use some..

and he never said anything, again, never even lent a helping hand.

And it was for her. He did it because he knew she'd deny it; grow defensive. He did it for her because he knew that she'd push him away, and he couldn't let her do that, he couldn't. Because she'd stop seeing him, and it would be his fault that she didn't have anybody when she really needed somebody.

And among everything he wondered,
he wondered most about why Spencer never invited him over. She came to his loft, and he wondered,

~ wondered wondered wondered ~

..if she spent more time there than she did at her own house.

And if that were the case, he feared, she needed


Later, he called her. He called her and asked her to come over, pacing, and pacing and pacing, because of what he was about to do.

The knock on his door seemed to echo today; resounding loud,

The silence that followed nearly swallowed him whole, and for a moment, he wished it would have.

His heartbeat drumming against his ribcage was the metronome of his fear, extending his palm toward the doorknob, turning it slowly, slowly,
and slowly still.

As he pulled it open, she waited on the other side, an anxious expression plastering her features. She brushed past him, turning on her heel in order to face him, watching as he closed the door behind her.

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