He said Please Don't Go Away ( She said it's too late )

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A/N: Okay, I couldn't resist. This chapter is dedicated to ashadymotel ... again.

Granted, she probably won't be as happy that /this/ chapter, in particular, is dedicated to her.

Things have officially hit the fan.


Love you, babe
.... you probably won't say the same..


Third person POV -------------- ( General POV )

Spencer woke up with a smile on her face for the first time in awhile.

Although Toby didn't get the answers to the questions he had asked yesterday, so many questions, they were both content following the moment they had shared. They didn't need to talk; she didn't have to explain herself or her actions yet. He just needed her. He needed the reassurance that while she wasn't fine, she was okay and physically out of harms way..

( and in his arms )

The unmistakable chime of her phone, signaling a new message, had played a partial part in waking her up that morning. She fumbled for the device, attempting to clear her groggy mind and get her eyes to adjust to the sunlight peeking in through her curtains. Her optics scanned the new message, a smile playing across her rosy brims.

( It was mostly the person who sent the message oppose from the message itself that had her smiling )

He announced that he was outside, and at that, she frowned.

He was outside..

Of her /house./

She had been doing a decent job at keeping him away from there. She knew that he had long since grew curious; realized that she had been making it a point to deny his offer that they go to her house and instead suggest his loft.

Clearly, her contentious effort wasn't good enough.

She pulled herself out of the covers that had been previously draped over her slim body. She was clad in the baby blue shirt he had given her (unofficially) the first day she had talked to him.

Her curtain of brunette locks fell over one shoulder as she raced down the stairs in time to see both her parents and /Toby/ at the door. He walked in, confusion masking his features as his gaze shifted between her and her family. She mentally cursed, descending the final few steps to stand beside, more like in front of, Toby in a defensive manner.

Her parents noticed her attire; the shirt she had been wearing the first time she had been grilled about Toby.

"Is this the boy you've been spending your time with?" Her mother demanded.
She knew the answer.

"His name," She began, tone forced and pointed. "-Is Toby." Her words were defensive, as was her gaze.

"Is this the kind of boy you really think you should be associating with? After everything, Spencer, do you really believe that this is what you need right now? We can't let the word get around; we can't have him added to your track record alongside Radley and rehab. We aren't going to do this again, Spencer, this is it. We can't keep covering for you; making excuses. The truth will come out, one way or another, when it comes to this family."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2017 ⏰

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