Perfect First Words

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A/N: The edit above is my own! They always will be. ;) Anyways, I got positive responses on the first chapter of this story, so I am choosing to continue it! Now, on to the story!

                  Toby's POV

Today, she could feel it. She could feel my gaze burning a hole into her beautiful features as she buried herself further into her journal. She didn't like the idea of "somebody like me" staring at her intently. I could tell; she doesn't think much of me, making the same assumptions everybody else did. But the truth is, I don't see any other girls. I don't recycle girls or have a revolving door of them, I simply don't see any other girls. How could I when all I ever look at is her?

The piercing sound of the bell echoed throughout the classroom, signaling the end of the period. She deserves an explanation, one as to why I found her more interesting than the assignment. I stumble to my feet, approaching her small frame; my only destination. She has been my single and only destination for awhile. I shuffle my feet, surprised to find myself already stood before her shorter in comparison physique. I open my brims, racking my brain for my perfect first words to her, but she beats me to the punch.

"I'm sure you have plenty of other girls you'd rather have staring contests with. What do you want, Toby?" Her questions comes out slightly harsh, but with a hint of exhaustion. I am sure lots of guys have come on to her; assuming she is more of the shy and sexy type. Of course, she isn't just beautiful in my eyes, but just naturally and utterly stunning. Everybody knows it, and I'm sure numerous of guys have used what they think is shyness to their advantage. But she has it all wrong; the reasons she thinks I want to talk to her being the same reasons I could never dream of having. I already respect her too much.

"I don't want anything..." I begin, watching as her eyes narrow slightly in my direction. A smirk forms on my brims, raising a challenging eyebrow in her direction.

"But a staring contest does sound like a good idea. I could try it with other girls, but you seem more like the type who is always up for a challenge." I retort, my gaze glued to her. Her voice is just as melodic as I had thought; this ironically being the first time I've heard her speak. She folds her arms across her chest, a new light shining through her hues. The light indicates playfulness; her sensing that I'm different than all of the other guys who threw themselves at her. "Yeah well, in my family, I'm practically inclined to win any challenge I'm offered." She mentions, a smirk fighting its way onto her absolutely beautiful features.

I fell in love with her, I don't know what it is about her. She intrigued me so long ago, and I fell so desperately in love with her that I forgot she didn't know a thing about me. I fell so head over heels in love with Spencer Hastings that I forgot the name of any other girl I ever met. I am honestly deeply in love with her, and I know there is no turning back now.

"But it looks like I already won this one; you looked away, didn't you?" She arches a perfectly shaped brow, glancing towards the wall as the next bell rings, indicating that school is over. "As much fun as it was to beat you in the contest you initiated, that's the bell. And if I don't get home before my mom and dad do, you won't see me tomorrow to lose to me in another contest." She teases, wrapping her bag straps around her slender shoulder. I can sense that she is lying, but I don't call her out on it. If there is one thing I've learned about her, it's that her home life isn't the best. Her parents are normally in Philli; being the strict lawyers they feel they have to be. Everybody knows about the Hastings, but not many people know what happens inside of their large house.

"You go basket in your victory, but you better be ready for a rematch. Until we meet again, Hastings.." I offer a boyish grin towards her, lifting a brow. "Until we meet again, Cavanaugh." Her brims curl up into a small, crooked smile. Maybe she has decided that letting somebody know her wouldn't be so bad. Maybe she's warming up to me; letting down some walls around her so she can get to know me. But maybe that's what scares her the most.

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