Chapter Seventeen

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Roni's POV

My week has been so fucked up and tiring. I have not talked to the guys, because everytime me and Trey would be around each other, we always started to argue. I am kind of over the whole thing that happened at the party, but now he is letting nothing bullshit run out his mouth and I just don't have time for it. Lei thinks that since we keep arguing, that we must really like each other, but there is no chance in hell. 

Let me tell you about my knew friend Lei. She is one pretty, funny, smart,cool, and outgoing bitch. Like she really just clickes with our whole group, and there will not be any drama with here. She hates Hilary and her little hoe clique, and that's what I like most about her. Plus, she was from my home state Florida!!! Let me calm down. 

So, it was Saturday afternoon at 4pm and I decided that I would head to the beach to think about things and clear my mind of everything that happened this week. I pulled out some short black leggings, with an black Miami Heat hoodie, and some white flip-flops. I went and hopped into the shower, then did my body care and put on my clothes. I ran down the stairs to the living room to tell my mom that I was heading to the beach for a couple of hours. She was fine with it, and just told me to be safe and don't stay out there too late. I grabbed my purse and car keys, and then hopped into my car. It would take me about 30 minutes to get to the beach, so I set up my Pandora in my car, and decided to listen to my Body Party Radio, then I drove off. As I was driving, I was just singing the songs and relaxing. I finally got to the beach, I parked my car, and got out only grabing my phone and putting my person in the trunk.Then started to head to the beach.

I found me a spot on the beach that didn't have really anyone around, and sat down on the sand. As I looked into the sea, I just felt so much calmer, and just started to think. I thought about what the boys are involved in, how it is infecting our groups lives, should we had got involved with them in the first place, why am I going through all this drama with Trey, will it come to an end, what to do? Life just felt out of control, it was something different and knew to me. I sat down for an hour, then decided to walk along the shore. I took off my flip-flops, and headed to the shore and started to walk along it. 

As I was walking along the shore, I watched how the water covered my feet, and looking at the waves. I wasn't really watching were I was going, and almost bumped into a guy holding a little girl. I looked up, my eyes got big and was surprised at  who I saw with the little girl, it was Trey. To say I was speechless was an understatement, I was just shocked. And his facial expression seemed to mirror my own. The little girl looked curiously at me. 

"Daddy, who that?" the little girl said to Trey, that question helped me understand that the little girl was his daughter. We still haven't said one word to each other, so I decided to speak up.

"Well, I got to school with your daddy I am Roni," I said to her. The little girl was very adorable in pretty. She had a caramel complexion, chubby cheeks, curly hair, and she wore some dark blue jeans that were folded up and a Doc McStuffins shirt. 

"Hi Roni, you are pretty," she said to me, I thought that was the cutest thing. 

"Well sweetie, you are pretty and adorable, what's you name?" I asked her. 

"Well, my name is Zoe," she said.

"That is a beautiful name, do you like the beach?" I asked, and we continued to almost have a full conversation for 5 minutes til Trey interrupted it. 

"Um, Zoe we need to take you back to were grandma is so you can get back to the house, Roni can you wait right here so we can talk? he asked, I nodded my head and he started to head up the beach and I see him giving Zoe to an older woman, who must be his mom. Now, he wants to talk to me, ain't that some shot. 20 minutes later, while I was watching the waves, I heard him coming back to me. We didn't turn to look at each other, just kept looking out into the ocean and waves, while the sunset was coming. 

"You know that you don't have to explain anything to me, we all through things in life," I said honestly to him. He didn't say anything for a couple of minutes, but then he started to talk. 

"I know, I kind of regret having a child at a young age, but my little girl is my life and I want to be the best person I can be for here, she only has my mom and me in her life, I just don't let anyone else in here life, because I don't want her to get use to them always being there then they just leave," he said, it kind of made feel a different way towards him. I mean not pity or anything, but like his is a real man for stepping up to the plate. 

"I have a  question but you don't have to answer it if you don't want to: Where is her mother and her mother's side of the family? I asked him. 

"Zoe's mother died in a bad car accident, and her side of the family did not want anything to do with Zoe's mother once they found out she was pregnant, so she lived with me and my mom til she gave birth to Zoe, then one night when she was hanging with her friends and they were about to leave an club, but they were waiting outside for an taxi, that night there was an drive by at the club and she got shot in the stomach, and it was too late when the ambulance came because she had already lost a lot of blood," he said with a blank face, I felt sad for Zoe.

I didn't know what say and just continued to look out onto the ocean. I thought that he was strong and a real man for being there for his daughter and responsibilities. Most teen fathers wouldn't do what he is doing now, they would just be like give the baby up for adoption or I might help you take care of the baby. 

"I just want to say I am sorry for the way I have been treating you, because you don't deserve that and I was out of line," he said serious look at me. I turned to look at him. 

"Yeah, I am sorry too, I have just seemed to be picking arguments towards you, and that isn't right, but I had an reason though," I said, with an hint of a smile, and he chuckled. 

"You know my daughter like you, right?" he said, I look at him surprised.

"She does?" I asked him.

"Yeah, she doesn't have full conversations with anyone except me and my mom, and she also told me to tell you she said "bye bye", he said.

"Aweee, well I like her too, she is adorable," I said.

"Well, you know why, just look at her dad" he said cocky.

"Nigga, don't start that shit okay," I said giggling. 

"Can we just start all over, and become friends?" he said. 

"Sure, I don't mind, let shake on it," I said, and we shake on it. We kept shaking hands and looking into each other eyes, but soon let go. I looked at my phone and saw that it was about 8:30pm and that I needed to get home. 

"Well, I need to get home," I say to him.

"I will walk you to your car," he said. Then we start to head up the beach to my car. Once, we get to my car, I get in, back out the parking space, and before I was about to leave, I rolled my window and yelled "Bye!!!" to Trey and drove off. As I was driving home, I thought the day turnt out better than I thought. 

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