Seeing Hinata

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Kageyama's POV:

While I was listening to music, I heard Hinata calling me. I looked at my phone and pressed answer. "Hey, Hinata." I said. "Kageyama! I really miss all you guys so much! You read the messages, correct?" Hinata asked. "Y-yes I did." I nervously replied. "Sooooo, you feel the same about me, right?" He asked. "W-well yeah...I've liked you for a while now too...but if we would have confessed to each other here in Japan, we would have a had a least a couple days to hang out." I said. "Yeah...Anyways, I got really embarrassed yesterday and school." Hinata giggled. "What happened?" "Well, my first class was English class, which sucked, and I was called on to read first. So I tried to read it and then the teacher asked me if I was Japanese and then said sorry. But I replied with 'Gomenasai!' And the whole class looked at me!" Hinata said laughing in between words. I got lost in what he was saying because I was listening to his beautiful voice. 'BEAUTIFUL VOICE?! WHAT AM I SAYING?!' I blushed to myself. "K-Kageyama? You still there?" I heard him say. I quickly responded, "Y-yeah! I'm here!" I said awkwardly. "I gotta go now Kags! Bye!" He said. "B-bye." I hung up and my cheeks were bright red. Do I really love him this much?!
We got back to our school's gymnasium when our coach had a big announcement. "Attention everyone! I can see we are not doing so well because Hinata left. Well, me and Take are planning this, we are hoping we can do it, we were going to go to America, which ever state Hinata is in, as a team and go against American teams! I know this may be hard, considering they may play a lot different from us, but we can do this! I contacted Hinata's mom and she said they will be there. So we will have a chance to see him again!" I couldn't believe what I just heard. I get to see him, the one I've been in love with for a long time. Is this really happening? Or is it a dream? What matters is I get to see him again. "Also!" The coach continued. "We may or may not be able to bring Hinata back on the team. If he is okay with leaving his family and coming back here, there could be a possibility he will be back on the team!" Everyone cheered except for me. I was so in shock that I couldn't do anything. I can't believe this is happening! I'm going to see Hinata!
Thank you for reading this chapter! I just got it done this morning so sorry if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes. Next chapter will be out soon!

Separation [KageHina Fanfiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora