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                      Jania"s POV. We go back to James and Sam and ,Jacob.
I told James that this guy was staring at us on the dance floor he told me to show him who it was.

*Like wtf he was still staring*         James said Jania go over there and talk to him he looks nice😏.
Before I could say anything chase whispered in my ear.
I looked over at James and said bye my love.
Then I started walking with chase so when I go with a guy like were smoking or drinking.
Me and James has this thing that I say bye my love and the next day.
If I don't come home James will come find me Soooo we start walking into the bathroom.                                             We check to see if anyone was in there then chase takes out this little bag of weed we start smoking after awhile.
I'm so high like I started calling him Micky.
(really Micky that's the name u could think of author really)

So like I was saying after awhile chase started kissing my neck and he kept getting rougher and rougher
STOP!! !
He starts putting his hand on my thigh I'm pushing him away but he won't stop

* ( I hope u liked the story so far. I don't upload often because either I'm lazy or I don't have ideas) Thank u for reading!!!!💚

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