
22 1 0

So it's was weird like meeting your cousins for the first time at thanksgiving.
After awhile my teacher comes in and says *Hello class * we will start with the big toe pose.
Wait that means my butt is gonna be in the air what if he looks at me ?? Everyone starts bending down and I decide to do it too  I didn't like Andrew so why would I be worried if he saw my butt uh ya . *
End of class*
I grabbed my bottle of water .
I was thirsty like a pig on a summer day in the fields and I'm sweaty like a basketball player after a game.
I grab my stuff and start to leave I ran to my car.
I couldn't last another minute to wait to get
it .
I slammed my car door open went into my glove department and pulled the heavy little bag out .
Rashly got a lighter from  my pocketbook and lit it and put the 5 inch to my mouth and smoked it know I felt better..                                                      

Sorry I haven't updated a lot 😖

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