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Jania"s POV
A/N play music. BOOOOM!!!!!!!!!! The door slams rushing in is the guy that was staring at us earlier, he punches chase and chase falls on the floor real hard, he punchs him again and again. After the 5 punch I said ok stop your gonna kill him I pull the guy away and he ask if I'm ok and I say yes and we leave chase on the floor. We go to James and I tell James what happened and James started hugging me and said thank u to the guy that helped me.
What's your name ? I say he says his name is Andrew fonetnot damn he got a weird name. I say hey did u go to Million Middle school? He says yes OMG did u wear big glasses and had braces I say he says yes oh my god were u the girl with the really skinny legs tomboy that always got in trouble???
Yes I say omg I'm not a tomboy anymore ( I just want to say with all of this Talking Sam and Jacob is still there nice job author 😧)

(Hey I didn't leave them out! Their right there it's coming up just wait dang) it's so nice to meet u again thank u I said no problem Andrew said ,Idk how but we started staring into each other's eyes .
MMM ExUse me but I'm drunk , your high so how are we gonna get home ? James said. I'll take u Andrew said .I would appreciate it I said, I'll call u boys?
James said to Sam and Jacob who was more drunk then James and probably won't remember tonight. *At once* Ya that's sounds good they said so me and James and Andrew go outside James said damn what about our cars Andrew says u can leave it and come back tomorrow it will be fine just lock your car. So me James and Andrew get in his white Lamborghini it was hella nice, Andrew starts the car and he starts driving it was really clean and smelled like strawberries, after awhile this blue Lamborghini kept driving behind us for awhile.
Then out of nowhere BAM it hits us from behind , were like wtf James was Alsleep he wakes up and says oh god !! I look at the car behind us, and u know who's driving the wheel **********. A/n Lol wait what is going on? I can't wait !

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