Chapter 1

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Whispers around the school say that there is a new girl arriving today. If what the students are saying are true well God help the new girl. Beachhill High is like gossip central. Yeah of course I gossip but I'm not the type to spread rumors.

"Why so quiet Kiera?" My so called best friend Sofia Claremont is the pop pink princess in school. She is also the cheerleader captain. She gets everything from money to guys. She has basically dated the whole football team. Me, well I had a boyfriend, he turned out to be cheating on me with Lancy Guvo. Another cheerleader. "Just tired." Lie. I always lie to my friends. I stayed up late last night studying. I can't tell any of my group because if they know I study like a nerd well that's the end of my place in the group.

Sitting in bio class with Sofia was killing me. She just talks on and on about how pretty she looks and how her boyfriend Luke is going to take her to the ball. Argh she is so annoying sometimes. Half the group is like that. Now she is going on about her nails and how they need doing. Well she's already been done. Rolling my eyes I count down the minutes till lunch. I haven't eaten all day. Five, four, three, two, one! Thank the heavens its lunch.

Walking into the lunch hall Sofia dumps me to go to her boyfriend Luke Hammond. A total dickhead and jock. I head over to the buffet of food and wait in line. Can this line get any slower. Come on, come on I'm starving here. Yes! I took a tray and grabbed my usual. Salad and iced tea. I can't eat anything else here, it all just makes me sick. Shaking my head I went over to my table sitting next to Julia Cameo. Another cheerleader, the dumbest of all dump people. "Hey Kiera!" I turn to her and give her a smile. "Hey Julia." She giggles and goes back to talking with Ash. Oh did I mention, Ash is my ex boyfriend. I barley take notice of him anymore. Rolling my eyes I dig in. Everyone was still talking about that new girl. Seriously gossip central.

I took notice that I didn't get my ice tea. Sighing I got up from the table. "I'll be back." I told them and walked to the fridge area of the buffet. Ha, they didn't even hear me. Idiots. I picked my favourite ice tea and headed back to the table. But I was stopped short. This girl bumped into me. "Argh watch it!" Everyone turns to us.

They all turn to look at me and I roll my eyes at the popular girl yelling at me cause she got in my road. "Apologize Zary." The father figure of my three friends Tyson said. I rolled my eyes and walked right past her putting my tray on the nearest table. I wasn't hungry anyway. I go to the oval where my brother Jason or Jase for short was playing footy with his mates. They're kinda cool and we all hang out together a lot but they can all be rude and obnoxious assholes as well. I sit on the floor and begin drawing as Tyson, began to lecture me about how that girl could have been a friend and I should have just apologized. Stupid ghosts are impossible to block out.

My brother sees me sitting alone and ditches the footy at me. My instincts kick in and I catch it before it hits me. My brother smiles and tilts his head, I smile back and throw the footy back. My brother catches it and continued smiling. My brothers friend Luka runs over and tries to get me to play. Luka, Jason and I have always been close. He holds out his hand and I stand up and walk past him. I hear my brothers friend saying he was rejected while my brother just smiled at me. We all began playing footy and messing around as we used to. For once the voices in my head were quiet.

Argh! The nerve! That girl didn't even apologize to me. She just put her tray down and left. She just left! When I turned around everyone, including my friends where laughing at me. Grunting I left the lunch hall to the bathroom. When I got there the tears started running down my face. I hate this. Every lunch I either get trampled on or get food thrown on me. My mother is going to kill me. I could hear her voice in my head, yelling at me. Sighing I grab the spare clothes I usually have in my bag, put them on and left the bathroom. I was still puffy eyed but I didn't care.

Speed walking I headed to the school doors. I'll have to take the oval to get home. I walked onto the oval and noticed three students enjoying their time, mucking around. They turned around and faced me. The that's when I noticed it. That girl. That's the same girl who spilt her food on me and didn't say sorry to me. Crying again I ran away from them. The one who looked like that girl laughed and turned back to his friend. My eyes blurry I ran all the way home.

While I was running I tripped over and landed on my steps at my front door. Tears leaking down my face I open the door and jog upstairs to the bathroom. I slam the door shut and slide down the door, cuddling my knees to my chest. I hate this! Streaming tears and emotion I get up and storm into my massive bedroom. Slamming on my iPod I listen to my music really loud. Mum would of told me off for having it way to loud, but I really don't give a crap, plus she is never here to care what I'm up to. My life sucks! I want out of this place and head to some place where I can be myself. Laughing I turn up the music louder and lay on top of my bed smiling to myself. What ever. There is no where on earth a place like that exists. Never.


I watched as the girl ran from me. Great, First day at a new school and I'm already making people scared of me just not for the usual reason. Good. People need to be afraid of me. I've got my brother and our friends, I don't need anyone else. I'd rather people hate me for spilling some food on a spoilt rich girl than call me a freak for the stupid curse He gave me. My brother and his friends continue playing as I gather my things. "Zary where ya going" Luka yells as I pick up my bag. "I'm going home. I can't be bothered dealing with anymore drama today" I tell him. "You know it isn't safe" he says. "We'll go with you" Our other friend Silvio says. I roll my eyes. Freaking packs protecting each other. My attention turns to Luka who was waiting for my response. His bright blue eyes looking at me hoping I'd allow them to protecting me. While Silvio stood there with his silver eyes staring at me. My brother smacked Silvio around the head and called for Luka to take the footy. "Come on sis lets go." Jason says picking up his bag. "Buzzkill." Silvio says and I see Jason glare at him and growl. I smack my brother round the head. "Be nice big brother." I tell him. I shoot a smile both at Silvio and Luka who both look at each other. "Why are you so mean to them?" Jason asks as we begin walking home. "How am I mean." I ask him smiling. "You know Luka likes you and Silvio may be a player but being second in command in a pack has its perks." He says. "Being second in charge does not change a player bro." I tell him. "No it doesn't but he does care for you" Jason says. I ignore his comments and chose to focus on them later. Twenty minutes later we're finally home. A small apartment just north of the river. I walk inside and throw my bag on the floor. I grab my phone and plug my music in. I'm about to go for a shower when I hear my brother yelling at me. "Hey Z, mind if we have a gathering tomorrow night. A new school thing" I roll my eyes, "sure why not." I yell back. I might as well go along with it. Drinks, my brothers friends and probably a girl they all dragged there. I guess I'll survive if I drink enough.

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