Chapter 4

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I envy the boys. They can turn any night they want. Stupid curse. At least I can run as fast as them. Jason stops running when we reach an old abandoned grill. It burnt down a couple of years ago. All three boys growl and I sniff. I can smell blood. Kieras blood. The three ghosts fear for her as well. I step forward and Jason growls at me. "Relax bro im just gonna scope the place out." I turn to see Luka human again. Without any clothes on. "Oh my god." I say as I turn back around. Luka laughs and reaches into his backpack grabbing his change of clothes. "I'll come with." He says walking up to me. "Just keep your clothes on and keep up" I tell him. I hear Silvio growl and I roll my eyes. Boys. We get inside and the blood hits me like a tidal wave but it isn't just Kieras. The blood seems to be in the walls like hundreds of people painted these walls with their blood. Something Siren would come up with. "Zary don't move" I hear Luka whisper. I look down. Dammit I'm an idiot. I looked down and I'd stepped on a trap. The minute I step off this platform, kaboom. "Do you trust me?" Luka asks. I seem a bit reluctant to answer as he pulls a metal table over so its resting on its side. "Yeah why?" I ask terrified of whatever hes planning. "Yeah okay hold that thought" he says. Before i even have a chance to understand what he said hes running at me and grabs me and we both jump over the jump and hide from the blast erupting in the warehouse. I hear the howls from outside. Well we had the element of surprise until that just blew up. I hear that's sickening laugh echo through the warehouse. "Welcome to my playhouse children." I hear Siren say. I didn't know where he was but I notice a hatch leading underneath the floor. I sniff and she's definitely down there. I see my brother and Silvio come running in. Silvio and Luka stay upstairs to watch our backs as we get Kiera out of there. Jason runs downstairs with me still in wolf form. We see her on the floor unconscious. I snap the chains with ease. Thank you werewolf strength. I grab her and throw her over my brothers back. We all run out of the warehouse. We thought we were safe until a shot rang out. He shot me the bastard. The bullet hit my shoulder and another three hit my back. I fall to the floor. Luka runs over and helps me up and then we ran like hell until the we reached the lake house. We knew it was safe.

"Hold still Zary." Silvio tells me as he digs the bullets out if my back I grunt. "Stop being so gentle about it and just yank the damn thing out" I tell him knowing it's gonna hurt. Jason was bandaging Kiera up with Luka. Luka came back out to check on me while Jason stayed awaiting for Kiera to awake.

I knew I was unconscious. Just waiting to rise again. I gasp and sit up. Where was I? "Kiera?" Turning around to find Jason sitting next to the bed I'm laying on. I remember everything. And oh God this creepy guy had magic and, and Jason and his mates have power too. I start to get teary eyed again and move away from Jason. "Stay...stay away" I winced at the pain in my wrist. "Kiera, I'm not going to hurt you okay." I believe him. He is the one who saved me. Oh God it was meant to be a trap. " were gonna die." I cried into the pillows and Jason sat me on his lap. "He...he...said I'm...I'm a reaper. that?" Jason stilled. "Here you rest okay." I nodded and layed down while Jason quietly shut the door. I didn't sleep. I heard people down the hall. "What do you mean Siren said she's a reaper?" Thats all I heard before sleep had taken over.

"No, no way she's a reaper. The guys would have...oww" I scretched as Silvio finally got the last bullet out. "Damn talk about being stabbed in the back." Silvio says. I glare at him. "Too soon?" He asks. I turn to face Jason. "He said she's a reaper. They died out years ago. Tyson would have sensed it." I tell them. "I did." Tyson says. "Its what I've been feeling this whole time I just never knew what the feeling meant. Now I do." I face plant the couch and scream into one of the pillows. "Okay I feel better now." I hear Luka giggle and I ignore him. "What are we gonna do about the reaper in our family lakehouse Jason." I ask him. "Leave it for now. She seems to not even know what she is and we need to tell her everything." I look at him. "No we cant tell her everything we'll scare the poor girl half to death." I tell him, "Zary you've got more of a famine and understanding outlook. You should tell her." Luka says. Of course I get chosen because apparently I'm the nice one. Thats different. "Fine ill go sit with her until she wakes up but I'm taking this bottle. We will both need it" I tell them grabbing the bottle of bourbon. I walk into Jasons room with the bottle and two cups. She's gonna here the story of a lifetime when she wakes up.

Moaning I wake up to find myself still in this bedroom. "Your finally awake." I rolled over and Zary was sitting in a chair next to the bed. I nod to her and sit up. I notice that she has a bottle of Bourbon in her hand. Shaking my head I try standing. Zary runs up to me and sits me down. "Oh I wouldn't. I would sit down for this." What is she talking about. I roll my eyes and sat back down. "Kiera your a reaper." I stilled. I grab the bottle of Bourbon. "Give." I open it and took a mouthful. I nodded for her to start. "You are going through some changes." I slapped my forehead and looked up at her. "Zary what the hell is wrong with me? And I'm not going through puberty so get to the point." Zary takes the bottle and drinks it. "Prepare yourself." I nodded.

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