Chapter 6

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Everything Jason said to me, I now feel bad for hitting Zary. I want to make it up to her real bad. But how. Everyone except Silvio was down stairs. Jason had told Silvio to look after me. I don't need a babysitter. I'm able to look after myself. I'm not two years old. I started pacing in front of the couch. I'm so worried. I want to help, but I don't know how. Silvio's eyes traced every step I took. Huffing a angry breath. Rubbing the back of my neck I stopped staring into space. I have no idea how to help. I sat down in the floor with my head in my hands. "Kiera?" Silvio asks confused. I looked up at him. "Sorry. I'm just worried and well I want to help but I don't know how." Grunting I lay flat on my back staring at the ceiling. "Zarys going to be okay." I closed my eyes and opened them again. "Alright." I say to Silvio. I heard footsteps and I jump right up on my feet. "Is she okay?" I ask as soon as Jason comes in. He smiles at me. "Yes she's going to be alright. Zarys just sleeping now." I start to breathe again. I look at Jason in the eye. "Can I go see her?" Luka looks at Jason worriedly. "Jas..." Jason cuts him off. "Yes you can. She needs a girl friend." I smile and Jason leads me to a room downstairs. I walk in and Jason closes the door. There was a chair beside the bed and I took it waiting for Zary to wake up.

About 20 minutes later Zary was moaning which meant she was waking up. She looked at me weirdly and I smiled at her. "What are you doing here?" I look down at my hands. "I asked to come see you and keep you company. Plus your friends kept telling me off for pacing." She sat up and faced me. Curiosity marked her face. "Why were you pacing?" I looked at her guiltily. "I was worried about you." Her eyes widened then softened. "Thanks." I grabbed the water I had for her. "Here. Drink." She took the bottle and drank the whole thing. It was silent for a while till I got up. "I'll go." I gave her a small smile and went to the door. "Wait." I turned around and faced her. "Please stay." I smiled and went back to my chair.

Damn this girl was infuriating. When I first saw her, I wanted her to leave but when she said she was going to, I don't know it was just weird. "Why were you worried about me?" I asked her. She looked at the floor obviously hiding something. "Jason told me about how you truly feel about this stuff." She tells me. That cheeky son of a bitch. I stand up and walk over to the mirror. The mirror stares back at me but I didn't see who I was now, I saw the little me. The two year old me. I close my eyes and shake my head. When I stop and open my eyes, the little girl was gone. I turn back to Kiera. "I do understand what you're going through Kiera but please try to understand that my, temper makes it difficult to talk to people about it. I'll try to help you but I make no guarantees that I can" I tell her. She gives me a small smile then nods her head. "Zary can I ask you something?" Kiera says. I nod my head. "What is so special about that necklace?" She asks me. I open my eyes wider. Okay Zary you can do this. I take a deep breath. "It was my mothers. Everything else of my parents was destroyed but Jason managed to sneak that out before Siren set the house on fire. It doesn't have powers or anything, its just centimental" I tell her remembering my mother. "I don't remember much about her because I was so young when she died but I write stories about her sometimes." I tell her. I can feel tears building up in my eyes. Kiera stands up, walks over to me and hugs me. I stand there shocked for a minute. I hug her back. Maybe we could be friends after all.

When Zary hugs me back, I feel hope rising up inside of me. I pulled back and smiled. But then it was gone. Thinking of my own mother. Well she isn't exactly my real mum. It just makes me mad and kinda sad because I never knew my real mum. I walk away from Zary and head to the window. Is this why I was dumped outside on a curb in rubbish. Dumped cause my real parents thought there was something wrong with me. Well they are right. A tear leaked down my face and I saw Zarys face in the window. Pity. I don't want her pity, it will just make matters worse. Taking a deep breath I wipe my tear and give Zary a fake smile. "I'm going to get something to eat and let you rest." Still smiling I left. Tears still threatening to spill but I held them in. I lied when I said I was going to eat. I'm pretty good at lying to someone. Sighing I walk into the bathroom and lock the door. Walking over to the mirror the boys replaced I was shocked. That can't be me. My skin was paler, my blond hair white and my bright blue eyes a baby blue. I couldn't breathe. I'm changing and, and this thing I am is changing me. I stifled a scream and took in a few deep breaths. Okay I'm fine. Maybe its just my brain playing tricks. Breathing again I turn on the shower and run it hot. I stayed in there for ages.

When I got out of the shower I looked in the mirror again. I'm still looking the same. White blond hair and still pale skin. Angry I stormed out of the bathroom and headed for the living room where everyone was. They all looked up at me. I had a head towel and a dress on. "What is happening to me?" Jason looks at me worriedly. I take off the towel and everyone gasps. "My hair is white, my skin is paler and my eyes are lighter. I didn't have this before. Before..." I couldn't say and didn't need to. The others knew. "This thing is changing me. This new me." I suck in a breath and walk back to the room I been using and slammed the damn thing.

There was a knock on the door. Jason walks in and he seems worried. "Whats wrong?" I ask him. He looks at the floor. "Kieras true form is finally taking place. Siren must have activated it." I take a deep breath in fearing for Tyson, Lily and Jackson. I start thinking the worst. She could take them from me. If she's a dark reaper she could, "She isn't a dark reaper sis. She's a light reaper." Jason says interrupting my thoughts. Dark reapers have black eyes that could swallow you whole. Senses ghosts from miles away and sends them to wherever they go. Light reapers let ghosts roam free. Protect them sometimes even. Speaking of protecting, "Jason, if Kiera has any chance of surviving this world, she needs to learn how to fight." I tell him. "We can take her to the hide out." The hide out was an place in the forest that was underneath our old house. A secret bunker I guess. You need to have a special type of blood to get past the barrier. My family blood. I can see Jason thinking for a second. "Start packing. Get everything you need. We leave tomorrow morning first thing. Gather everyone in the lounge room so we can tell them." I nod. He walks to go and get Kiera and I walk into the kitchen. I was in short shorts and a sports bra. Both boys eyes travelled down my body and back up to my face. I roll my eyes. Screw asking nicely. I grab both the boys ears and drag them out into the lounge room. "Ow ow ow ow" Silvio complains and I hear Luka hiss. Freaking sooks. I push them both onto the couch and walk back over to my brothers side. "You guys were checking her out weren't you?" Jason asks as I cross my arms. "Mate look at what shes wearing that would make any of us drool" Luka says sounding confident and like my brother for a second. It was kind of different seeing him so confident. I roll my eyes "sorry that wolves gets super hot" I say causing Silvio to laugh. "So we are hot? " he says. Luka smacks him around the head causing Silvio to hit him back and a mini war to start. I walk over to the two boys and punch them both in the arm. "Wanna start this game with me" I ask giving them a playful smile. Both boys go quiet. I laugh. "Guys were leaving tomorrow morning. Pack only what you need." Jason says. they all give us a confused look. I smile. "Were going home"

When I finished putting a black tank top, a black tight skirt with knee high boots I had put my hair down to flow down across my shoulders. Sighing I walked out of the room to where everyone was meeting. Once I got there the boys whistled. Silvio grinned. "That look suits you." I rolled my eyes and leaned against the wall. Zary looked at me in wonder then turned back to his brother. Jason blushed. "Okay so yes we are leaving tomorrow first thing." I looked up at them, my face blank curiosity. "Where?" Everyone turned to me smiling. "Home." They all said at the same time. I didn't smile at them. I shrugged and walked into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle.

Drinking the cold water down I heard them talking about me. Here we go again. They are probably saying how much danger I'm here with them. Rolling my eyes again I walked over to the window and looked outside. The night sky shining with bright stars. I remember the nights I got to walk out. The stars shining and making light to wherever I needed to go. But I'm not that girl anymore. I'm this reaper girl. I'm probably going to turn evil. If not die. I don't think there is such things as good reapers. Whatever, most well enjoy being alive. "What are you thinking about?" I turned around and Silvio was there, leaning against the counter. He was grinning. I didn't smile. "Nothing. Just that I'm not the same girl." I put the empty water bottle in the bin and leaned against the wall. "Your going to be okay Kiera. Nothings going to happen." I shrugged. "Maybe." I turned away from him and heard him leave the kitchen. Maybe I will turn into monster.

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