Chapter 9

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I walk out of my room where everyone was standing around Kiera. I couldn't listen to it anymore. I'm sick of hearing his name. He will die, ill make sure of it. I walk into the training room hoping to get out some of my anger. I hit everything in sight. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing anymore. I continue training and just as I'm about to swing at whatever was behind me, someone grabbed my wrist. "Luka. Don't scare me like that." I tell Luka as he lets my wrist go. "Jasons gone for a perimeter run." He tells me. "Siren would have had to be close to be in Kieras head." I nod but dont say anything. I wasnt in the mood to talk about him. Luka leaves the training room leaving me to my thoughts.

About twenty minutes pass and I hear Silvio screaming for me. I ignored him thinking it wasnt anything important. Then the scent hit me. Blood. Fresh blood. My brothers blood. I drop the katana I was using and bolt into the living room. I dont see my brother. I only see Luka, Silvio and Kiera all standing around. Silvio was holding a piece of paper and my brothers jacket. I could see blood dripping from the jacket. I run over to them and snatch the jacket. I bring it close to my face and sniff. It was my brothers blood. I snatch the note and read it. I recognised the handwriting instantly.

Hello little wolf
Your brother needs to stop sticking his nose where it doesnt belong. Shall he burn like your parents did? No. His death will be much longer. He will scream so loud that his voice will be sucked into the walls for people to hear forever.

Tears begin building in my eyes. Luka puts his hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. "No. He will not take the last of my family from me." I tell the others and I walk into the training room. I get changed into all black, I untie my blonde hair. I strap the Katana to my back as well as put five throwing knives in my belt. I make sure the braclet is on tight and I turn to face the others who were all ready as well. "We kill him. Tonight. Now."

I had my short sword and three throwing knives. This mother fucker hurt my friends, he'll die. He got in my head, hurt me, and took Jason. He's gonna pay. All four of us trailed Jasons blood. It lead us to an abandoned warehouse. Zary, Luka and Silvio were in wolf form while I was the reaper. Zary led us while we followed. He's defiantly in here. We walk in and see Jason chained to a metal table. The same one in my dream. I run to him and touch his face. Oh my God Jason. I go to grab the chains but snatch my hand back, hissing. "Kiera what's wrong?" Silvio asks. "The metal. I can't touch it." Silvio goes to grab it but the same reaction happens. Jason stirs and opens his eyes. He looks straight at me. "Jason!" I say quietly. "You can''s a...trap." I look directly at Zary and unsheathed my sword. Zary grabs my wrist. "What are you doing." I look at her. "Trust me." She nodded to me and I bring my sword down on the chains. They snap instantly. Yes. The boys carry Jason. Zary was up front taking the lead while I take the rear. I heard footsteps from behind me. I turned around. Siren was there by the table. I growled. "Very impressive little children." Zary was going to run up to him but I stopped her. "No." She growled at me. I squeezed her arms super tight. She whimpered and backed down. Siren chuckled. "You've come quiet the reaper haven't you. I want you now. I sense very powerful energies from you. If you stay they can go." I moved forward a step. I have to do this. I wanted them safe and now I'm doing it. "Yes I have." I turned back to the others. "Go. Get Jason out of here." I looked at Zary anger shined in her eyes. I wasn't joking. I'd rather they get Jason out alive then not leave. "Kiera no." I heard Silvio. "Go!" They looked at me again sadness. The boys left but Zary stood there looking at me. I walked up to her and whispered my plan. I winked at her and spun my blade around my wrist. Ice coated it and my hands blue. I turned around hiding my power and walked up to Siren with pure predatory grace. I heard Zary leave like I told her. I slammed my hands into Sirens chest and weakened him. He screamed. I smiled.

She's a smart girl. Silvio and Luka get Jason back to the house while I covered them. Jason was in so much pain. "Lie him on the table now!" I yell at the boys as I pull everything out of the medicine cabinet. The boys begin bandaging his burnt wrists while I find what I was looking for. Needles that doctors use for transfusions. I inject one needle into my arm and inject the other end into Jason. I begin the transfusion knowing it will heal him faster. "If he's gonna fight he'll need this." I said grabbing a bottle of adrenaline. I inject the adrenaline into Jasons blood stream. After a minute or two he sits up gasping for air. "You're okay!" I yell as I hug him. I begin crying. "I thought I lost you." I said as he hugged me back. "Never littile sister." he says. We pull apart. "Here buddy. For the war that's ending tonight." Luka says as he hands Jason our fathers katana. He stands up. I knew he was in pain but we were all needed. Kiera comes running in. "Hes weak but he wont be for long." I run up to her and hug her. "Thank you." I said. She smiles at Jason. Jason smiles back. "Lets go kill this bastard."

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