The Old and The New

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"It has always been like this. We tend to believe in what we feel is true. Did you believe in magic when you were a kid. Before Voldemort no one remembered about horcruxes or the hallows."

Derek sat next to the elf on a rock watching the sky turn orange with the rising sun. He sat there sitting quietly thinking of what to believe and what not to.

"But that is dark magic, no one knew about it" he didn't want to believe it that everything he knew and learned was nothing. There was magic beyond any wizard had known. "Well then, how is it that there are books about dark magic? How did Voldemort learned about horcruxes? Magic is older than any being, alive or dead. One must dwell it carefully or it will consume them."

"Tell me, how come no one ever came across a horcrux before the Dark Lord? If this magic is so powerful why haven't wizards used it? There should be something to prove your theory."

Derek was now curious. It felt like he was being told that he is a wizard for the first time. If what Boris is saying true, then maybe the hallows are not the answer to be the greatest wizard. Maybe that's why the dark lord lost. Maybe that's why snape wanted him to learn it the old way. He needed to learn this air magic, whatever it may be. He knew that his hunger for magic was just the beginning.

"Now you are asking some smart questions boy. Ah yes, there are relics. There are pieces that tell the story about the past. One must learn to see the truth behind everything. Only then you will understand magic. There were always four elements to magic. The four basic pillars. Four powerful wizards to build a castle. Hogwarts has always been a part of that history. Everyone knows what the four wizards left, but no one believes in it. There are horcruxes present at hogwarts."

"What do you mean? There is a horcrux present at hogwarts?" Derek grabbed the hot kettle and poured some tea in his empty cup as he started to realise that this was going to be a very long day. 

"Oh yes, it has always been there inside the castle. The sword of Gryffindor, the tiara of ravenclaw, the ring of slytherin, the cup of hufflepuff. They are the oldest horcruxes that are known to me. And of course the castle itself is a horcrux, made by the four wizards together. It is no coincidence that these relic have some unbelievable powers which can't be explained. Godric was always the brave one. When the sword is called upon by one who is brave and pure at heart, the sword answers to the call. Rowena was always the one seeking knowledge and the smartest one too. If One who seeks knowledge wears her tiara, they get it. They all kept a small part of there soul in their most precious possessions which makes these horcruxes powerful."

Derek knew that the elf was loving it, the one who knows all. "So what are you trying to prove here elf, i get it that magic is older than anything. How will this make me stronger?

"That is something that you have to seek on your own. I can only teach you the magic of air. And the first lesson i would teach you is this 'Ventus procalus'". Boris clicked his fingers and Derek twisted up in the air and sped past the house to fall in mud.

"I am not just an elf boy, i am The Elf. My name is Boris and if you want to learn magic the old way, you need to be a bit more respectful and alert." Boris stood and walked towards the front door. "If only i had my wand." Derek got up and wiped his face clear of mud. "Oh yes, from now you don't use your wand. You will learn to do magic without you wand."

"Stupid Elf." Boris clicked his finger and before derek could see it he was lying face down in mud again.

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