My Man {UsUk}

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Alfred had always considered himself a bit old fashioned, he supposed. He enjoyed classic showtunes, he still listened to things on records, he played with Ouija boards in dark basements instead of living rooms like some modern pussy. But that didn't mean that he couldn't be modern, heavens, no. This bitch was hella basic.
However, we're straying off topic. Alfred has always been old fashioned, yes. Perhaps that's what had drawn him so to Arthur. A bitter older man who still drank hot tea from a kettle and watched Doctor Who episodes that came before David Tennant (seriously, who does that?). Not to say that there was a huge age gap. Nineteen and twenty-three. Alfred thought it to be nothing when he started his pursuit of the older man.
Arthur wouldn't have it though. For starters, Alfred had the maturity levels of a child one third his age. Secondly, Alfred practically was one third Arthur's age. Was Arthur attracted to Alfred? God yes. Shameful acts have been committed by the prudish, older Brit to thoughts of the young American, and vise versa, as one must admit.
But alone Alfred remained, and alone he would remain. Dark thoughts are hard to avoid when one lays alone. And his thoughts were not avoided, but fed and warmed by the fire that burned in his heart for Arthur. And so his thoughts burned, as did Alfred.
The record started, Queen Streisand's voice crackling from the old device.
Oh my man I love him so...
Alfred paced around his garage, face streaked with tears.
He'll never know.
Isn't that what confessing is all about? Getting love in return?
All my life is just despair,
Alfred frantically ran his hands through his hair, growing mad with both anger and insanity.
But I don't care.
His shoulders slumped in defeat.
When he takes me in his arms,
A new cascade of tears fell from his eyes.
The world is bright-
Arthur is his world.
There's nothing but Arthur, Arthur, Arthur.
What's the difference if I say,
What is a world without Arthur loving him?
"I'll go away."
He told him to leave him alone.
When I know I'll come back,
Alfred patted around his jacket pockets until he located what he needed.
On my knees some day?
The man fell to his knees, shaking with tears.
For whatever my man is,
A shaky raised hand.
I am his,
A last gulp of air. A shuddering sob.
He pulled the trigger.
Oh, my man I love him so,
Arthur raced out of his house, pulling on his coat as he hopped on one foot to turn a corner.
He'll never know!
Bollocks on his age. He was in love, and he damn well was going to get his love.
All my life is just despair,
Alfred made him happy.
But I don't care.
That was all he needed.
When he takes me in his arms,
They'd fall in love once they met eyes again.
The world is bright,
Fireworks with every kiss.
Almost there.
What's the difference if I say,
Alfred came to him first.
"I'll go away."
He told him to leave.
When I know I'll just come back
The garage is unlocked.
On my knees someday?
Arthur sank to his knees.
For whatever my man is
Note, note, there's no note.
I am his
Arthur shakily picked up the bloodstained gun, pausing to listen to the scratchy record.
Closing his eyes, he listed the gun to his head.
He crumpled to the ground.
There they lay, two lovers who never got to love.
Their blood mingled.
Together in blood, together in death.

A/N: Not dead hi

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2017 ⏰

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