Chapter 9

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      Candace made her way through the open doors of Victoria Secret, she made her way through the crowd of teens and adults. She couldn't resist to roll her eyes when her phone buzzed in her back pocket. Sighing in annoyance she slid her shopping bags onto her left arm and took out her phone with her right.

Hey babe, you on your way?

I miss you

Why aren't you replying?! :c

Are you mad at me?

Wanna talk about it?

Please answer me!!!!!

    Candace's tongue rolled over her teeth as she exhaled through her nose.

Carter stop blowing up my damn phone, you little ass!

  Almost immediately as she texted back his reply came in making her phone buzz again before she could place it back in her jeans pocket.

Babe!!! I'm so glad you texted!! Do you know how worried I was when you didn't reply?!

I wonder if not replying had something to do with.....oh....I don't know....AVOIDING YOU?!

You still coming over sweet cake?

I'm not really in the mood....

There's food

I'll be there in five

    She shut of her phone putting it away as she reached her 2012 passion red Volvo only to screech to a stop when she recognized a familiar figure leaning against it. She gritted her teeth. "Annette." The tattoo covered girl looked up from her nails and smiled. Candace didn't need another one of his minions watching her every step. "What is it this time?"

  Annette quirked an eyebrow before leaning away from the car. "It's been too long since I last saw your chubby face." Candace bit her tongue. "You know why I'm here, you know he wants you by his side." Candace hissed under her breath. "Look I need to get going, I've got places to be." She snapped shoving past her. She clicked her keys unlocking the door before shoving her shoppings inside.

   "You mean like hanging around those boys?" Annette asked casually. Candace froze and grew tense. Annette smiled slowly knowing she's hit a soft spot. Candace whipped around grabbing a hold of her collar. "You will not speak of them." She hissed. Annette smiled turned sadistic. "So you do care about them." She snickered. Candace dropped the blonde smoke eyed girl roughly. "You bring any harm to any- and I mean any of them and I will personally assist you on making a visit to death's front door." Candace growled.

  She turned away stepping into her car. Annette watched silently as the car screeched out of the parking lot. Her smile widened as she pulled out her phone. She put it to her ear after dialing the number and waited anxiously. He picked up on the third ring. "This better be good, Annette, I don't have time for your foolishness." He snapped. Annette giggled smiling widely.

  "Oh trust me, I think you're going to enjoy what I have to say."

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