Chapter 20

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Annette had done some pretty stupid things in her life. From insulting biker gangs to robbing pre school centers, she'd done it all. But nothing was a stupid as going shopping with Conner.

"Annie which color suits me better?" He asked holding two shirts. "This red one makes me glow and the black....well it makes my muscles pop ya' know?"

Annette slid further in her seat she'd been in here for at least three hours. "Conner for Christ sake, we just came here to get clothes!"

Conner purses his lips. "Yeah but I still gotta look good." Annette sighed before nodding her head towards the black shirt. "Black looks good on you."

Conner sent her a cheeky grin before tossing the shirt in the cart. Annette stood up a stretched her tired limbs. She grabbed hold of the cart's handles and began to push it.

Conner kept in pace with her as they made their way towards the cashier. The cashier was an old woman probably in her fifties. Her puffy white hair and wrinkles gave off a grandma kind of vibe.

Annette glanced at her name tag which read Mariana. The woman gave her a gentle smile before she began to scan the items. Annette figured she must have been the owner since the store was called Mama Mariana's Market.

She was so focused on the woman that she didn't notice Conner's pestering voice whispering right by her ear.

She swatted her hand at him. He caught her wrist making her face harden. "Annette I need to ask you a very important question and your answer will determine life or death for the both of us."

Annette's glare morphed into a face of confusion. "Say hypothetically speaking two huge men in tuxedos were to walk into a store maybe the same store we're in and-" Annette's gaze flicked over his shoulder.

Standing by the store's entrance were two huge men. Each wearing matching tuxedos and sunglasses.

One of them were busily talking into their phone while the other scanned the area.

She turned her gaze back to Conner. "This isn't good." She mumbled "What do we do?" Conner asked lowering his voice.

"Alright, I've got an idea hold on." Annette eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers. "I don't know.." Conner said. He was slightly worried since most of her ideas got him hurt half the time. "Shut up doofus." She turned back around.

Mariana waited patiently as Annette dug through her wallet. She handed the elderly woman a hundred dollar bill before grabbing the bags.

The woman's eyes bugged out of her head as she scrambled for words. "I-I couldn't possibly acc-"

"Sorry I'm gonna have to stop you there," Annette leaned towards her. " I need you to go distract those men over there." Marianna hesitated for a moment before nodding.

The elderly woman walked from behind the counter as the two teens ducked down out of sight. "May I help you gentlemen?" Mariana asked giving them a soft smile.

One of them, a dark haired male with a small but noticeable scar across the bridge of his nose spoke up. "We're looking for two kids, a boy and a girl have you seen them?"

Mariana's smile vanished. She gave him a blank look. "I've seen a lot of kids your going have to be more specific dear."

The man next to him chuckled. "They both have blonde hair, about yay tall." Mariana tapped her chin thoughtfully. "No sorry."

  Annette smiled from her crouched position before turning to face Conner. "Ok while she got them busy lets make a run for it." Conner nodded standing up. Annette eyes widened "Wait Conn-"

   It was two late one of the men had already spotted him. "There they are!" He yelled grabbing the others attention. "Oh for the love of God." Annette quickly stood up shoving the plastic bags into Conner's hands.

   Mariana panicked grabbing onto one of the men. The man raised his fist. Annette dove for their cart that they'd been using earlier. Just as the man was about to bring down his fist against the woman's head the cart slammed right into him taking the other with him.

   Annette ran towards Mariana and grabbed her arm hauling her to her feet.  "You okay?" She asked her face portrayed nothing but worry. Mariana smiled "Yes I'm fine, dazed but fine."

   The two men had already recovered from their crash and were pretty pissed about what happened. Annette was thankful that only they were in the store she couldn't bother with a horde of onlookers.

   With one sweep of her hand she hoisted the old woman onto her shoulder and made a mad dash for the other exit where Conner was waiting. "We're not taking that lady with us Annette." Conner huffed as they ran through the parking lot.

  "Well we don't have much of a choice right now so suck it up." Annette countered as they reached the car. As gently as she could she placed Mariana into the back seat.

   By the time she closed the door those men were already running towards them. Annette quickly got into the front seat and started the car. Conner scrambled to buckle his seatbelt as she screeched out of their parking space.

  "Stop!" One of them yelled pulling out a gun. "Get down!" Annette shouted seconds before the rain of bullets came raining down. "Drive woman drive!!" Conner yelled covering his head.

  "Hold on, I'm going to run them over!!!"

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