3. Friends and Wands

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(Japanese is in italics)

At first, we just hurtled through a maze of twisting passages. I tried to remember, left, right, right, left, middle fork, right, left, but it was impossible. The rattling cart seemed to know it's own way because Griphook wasn't steering. My eyes stung as the cold air rushed past us, but I kept them wide open, afraid to miss anything. Then I heard Harry ask "what's the difference between a stalagmite and a stalactite?" "I know! A sta-stala-stalag-mite ha-hangs from the ceil," "ceiling" "and a stala-ctite come up from the gro-und."

I heard Griphook snicker because of my difficulty with speaking. "Shut up you mean goblin, I'm just learning how to speak English!" Harry looked at me questioningly and Griphook glared at me. The cart finally stopped beside a small door in the passage wall, Hagrid got out and had to lean against the wall to stop his knees from trembling. Griphook unlocked the door. A lot of green smoke came billowing out, and as it cleared, Harry and I gasped. Inside were mounds of gold coins. Columns of silver. Heaps of little bronze coins. "All Harry's." Smiled Hagrid.

All Harry's, how could an eleven-year-old have so much money? Hagrid and I helped Harry pile some of it into a bag. "The gold ones are Galleons, the silver ones are Sickles, and the bronze ones are Knuts." Hagrid explained. "Har-ry can I ha-ve some of your mo-ney?" "Sure I have enough." Hagrid brought out another bag and handed it to me. Then Hagrid and Harry helped me fill it up. "Tank you." They both smiled at me and we stepped back into the cart to go to vault 713.

After we got the thing Hagrid needed all three of us ventured out into Diagon Alley. I wasn't watching where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone. She had long brown hair, sky blue eyes, and wolf ears. "I am so-rry for bum-ping into you." "That's ok. My name's Alexia." "I am Kira." "You wanna buy the supplies for Hogwarts with me?" I smiled really wide and nodded yes. We went to get wands first. First thing I noticed when we walked in were the mountains of boxes towering over us. "So how do we know what wand to get?" Before I could reply a crazy old man appeared behind Alexia.

When she noticed the old man she jumped right into me and we fell to the ground in a laughing mess. "The wand chooses you. When I give you a wand I want you to wave it." After about 4 wands he gave me a black wand with a white stripe curling upwards to the tip. "Maple wood, dragon heartstring core. 9 1/4 inches." I waved it and fire burst through the tip. Alexia clapped and then the old man gave her a wand. After about 5 wands he gave her a white wand with a red rose at the bottom. "Birchwood, phoenix tail feather, 10 1/2 inches."

She waved the wand and a ton of mini rainbow colored light balls shot out of the tip of her wand. "That was so cool Alexia!" Even though she didn't know what I said she smiled at me and we went to go buy our wands. We got there and saw a girl in her teens, she had short blood red hair, hazel eyes, and black glasses. She was wearing long black robes and a black witch hat. As I looked closer at her face I noticed a faded scar that went from her left ear lobe to the corner of her right eye. "If you'd please stop staring so I can pay for your wands that'd be great. 15 Galleons each, so 30 Galleons total." I reached into my bag and brought out the coins.

~time skip~

Alexia and I got all our things and we're in the Leaky Cauldron drinking butterbeer and eating cauldron cakes. "What house do you want to be in?" Before I could reply I was interrupted by people shouting about "it's the boy who lived" "What is going on Ale-xia?" She shrugged and we continued watching the commotion. I did see Hagrid in the commotion but didn't do anything.

My owl, Bokuto, happily hooted inside his cage. (Comment if you get the reference) Bokuto is a black, white, and gray hyperactive horned owl. Reaching through the bars of the cage, I gently pet his feathers. He looked at me with his bright amber eyes and nuzzled into my hand. "Your owl seems to really like you." I smiled at her before sitting up and taking a bite of the mini cake.

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