8. The Potions Master

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I awoke to the sweet smell of blood. I jumped out of bed and saw Emi, still in her pajamas, eating. My stomach growled loudly, so I grabbed some food and ate. After getting dressed in the Gryffindor uniform and robes and left the room with Emi and Kenma behind me. It's been a month into the school year and I've become fairly used to the way things work around here. I've managed to get on Filch's bad side along with Emi and Maki since on the first day of meeting him we tried to eat him. Filch owns a cat called Mrs. Norris, a scrawny, dust-colored creature with bulging, lamplike eyes just like Filch's. She has a weird habit of following Kenma around whenever she sees him. In the classes, there was, in fact, a lot more to magic than the stereotypical wand waving and saying funny words.

Every Wednesday at midnight we had to study the night skies through telescopes and learn the names of different stars and movements of the planets. Three times a week we went out to the greenhouse behind the castle to study Herbology, with a short little witch called Professor Sprout, where we learned how to take care of all the strange plants and fungi, and found out what they were used for.

Easily the most boring class was History of Magic, which was taught by a ghost. Professor Binns had been very old when he fell asleep in front of a fire and when he woke he left his body behind or something like that. Professor Flitwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny little wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over the desk. He was quite anxious around Emi, Maki, and I almost as if he's scared of us.

Professor McGonagall was indeed strict. Strict and clever, as soon as we sat down she gave us a talking-to. "Transfiguration is some of the most complex and dangerous magic you will learn at Hogwarts. Anyone messing around in my class will leave and not come back. You had been warned." I had trouble understanding in that class.

D.A.D.A was by far the most joke class I've ever been to. Professor Quirrell's classroom smelled strongly of garlic which my prankster buds Fred and George Weasley said were to ward off a vampire he'd met in Romania and was afraid would be coming back to get him one of these days. His turban, he told them, had been given to him by an African prince as a thank-you for getting rid of a troublesome zombie, but I sure as hell didn't believe him, mainly because when Seamus Finnigan asked to hear how Quirrell fought off the zombie the teacher went pink and changed the topic. Another thing is that a funny smell hung around the turban, Fred and George insisted that it was stuffed with garlic as well, Professor Quirrell is quite odd.

Emi and I made it to the Great Hall to observe everyone else since we just ate. "What do we have today?" Did I forget to mention that I can now speak almost fluent English? It's all thanks to Emi, Maki, and the Weasley twins. "Double Potions with the Slytherins," Emi wiggled her eyebrows at me and gestured to Draco Malfoy who just walked into the Great Hall. "Snape's Head of Slytherin House. They say he always favors them, we'll be able to see if it's true."

I nodded in agreement and looked up to the staff table. Father looked grumpy as he took a sip from his goblet, we caught eye contact and I waved at him, he gave me a small smile. "I wish McGonagall favored us." Professor McGonagall was head of Gryffindor House, but it hadn't stopped her from giving us a huge pile of homework every day. Just then, the mail arrived. Every Friday I'll get a basket of food from Touka and every Saturday I'll get one package of food from Ayato (he didn't take the news well that I'll be going to Hogwarts). Today Bokuto dropped the basket down gently on the space in front of me along with a letter that fluttered from his beak.

He gave 3 loud hoots and nuzzled against me before flying off. I tore open the letter and saw Kaneki's beautiful handwriting. Dear Kira, I have bad news kiddo. The doves attacked and burned down Anteiku. You may have to move back to Aogiri when you come back. I missed a fight against the doves, I should've been there to help fight. I looked at Emi and she looked just as upset. "This is bad. My mom works at Anteiku! I hope she's ok." I hugged her as I prayed to whoever's out there that Kaneki, Touka, and Hinami are ok.

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