4. Platform Nine and Three Quarters

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(Like last time Japanese is in italics)

I walked into Anteiku after saying goodbye to Hagrid, Harry, and Alexia and almost immediately threw up. I didn't stop until the mini cauldron cake and butterbeer was out of my stomach and all over the wood floor. One of the workers came to my side Touka huffed and walked out probably to get the old man. Kaneki came and took me to my room while the other three workers brought in my witch things. I opened Bokuto's cage and he cuddled up to me.

~~time skip~~

It was the day I go to Hogwarts I already handed them my letter so I didn't have to worry about it. Touka gave me a large basket filled with wrapped up human meat. Witches/wizards don't taste good I tried one before and got sick for two whole weeks. Kaneki dropped me off at the train station.

'Now I just need to find platform nine and three quarters.' I thought as I walked to platform nine. When I got there I didn't see nine and three quarters. I leaned against the wall between nine and ten, then I fell back and hit my head on hard cement. I looked up to see a bright red train on the tracks with kids waving goodbye to their parents before getting on the train.

I started moving forward when I accidentally bumped into someone. The boy had slicked back platinum blonde hair, blue-gray eyes, and was glaring at me like I broke the most important law in the world. He forced an obviously fake smile and introduced himself. "Hi my name is Draco Malfoy, and you are?" "I am-" "KIRA!!!" Just as I was about to answer someone *cough* Alexia *cough* latched onto me in a hug.

I gave Draco a smile but Alexia scoffed and pulled me away from him "What are you doing to Kira, Malfoy?" She snarled. Draco just shrugged and walked onto the train. Alexia put both our stuff on the train and tried to find a compartment to sit in. The only one left was not completely empty the only person there was the girl from the wand shop.

"Is it ok if my friend and I sit here?" The girl just glanced up at us, nodded, and turned back to the window. "I'm Alexia and this is Kira, she can't speak English very well." I gave Alexia an emotionless stare and looked at the girl in front of us. "I'm Rileigh." I heard her mutter under her breath. Then I fell asleep.

Alexia's POV

Kira fell asleep leaning her head on my shoulder, I gave up trying to talk to Rileigh and started to braid Kira's dark amethyst hair. If I didn't know any better I'd think she was a ghoul since ghouls had odd colored hair, but I could see a few strands of black hair so I wasn't sure.

"She's half ghoul," Rileigh whispered to me. "How can you tell?" I whispered back "I'm what you'd call a chimera. I got blood hound blood mixed with my normal witch blood. So I can smell what she is." "But that means she can't eat human food but yesterday we ate cauldron cakes and drank butterbeer together." "Maybe she threw up when she got home."

And with that, I pushed Kira off me which woke her up. "Why didn't you tell me you're part ghoul?" I whisper yelled at her. Hurt filled her amethyst colored eyes and she fled the compartment. Then after about 15 minutes, we heard soft singing from the compartment next to us.

Kira's POV

I ran out of the compartment and heard Harry shout my name. I looked over my shoulder to see him motion me to his compartment. I sat down next to a girl with crazy brown hair and bright brown eyes. "Is it ok for me to si-ng so I can calm down?" Harry smiled, the girl next to me nodded, and the red-haired boy next to Harry kept shoving gross wizard candy into his mouth.

"All alone, on a journey, I lost my way. As I stood still, my heart alone wandered. But now I can walk again, as far as I need to. Yes, ever since I met you on this road. The songs travelers sing, though I don't know it, sound familiar to me as long as I'm with you. If the world we dreamed of exists anywhere, let's go look for it, beyond the wind. The freezing dawn, the parched midday, the trembling night; let's go see what's at their end. Your eyes, which know loneliness well. Blink and that color is reflected. I'll fly into the sky and become a crescent moon. Those mint-colored stars must be shards of tears. A dock in a country to the east; the western sea. A southern town in a dark forest; a golden tower. A hill in the south, shaken by water; above all, the same moon. As long as you let me hold your hand. How far shall we go? Together with you. I can go anywhere. Let's go embrace. The rustling scent of a world yet unseen."

I opened my eyes to see Harry, the girl next to me, and the boy next to Harry staring at me with wide eyes. I felt my cheeks start to burn and I turned my head to look at the door. "That was amazing Kira how'd you learn to sing like that." "That was just a lul-laby my sister sang to me when I was a little child." I smiled at everyone then my stomach growled like an angry dog. The boy with red hair laughed.

"I'm Hermione Granger and that's Ron Weasley." I smiled at everyone and then someone said we had to change into our robes because we were nearing Hogwarts.

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