Meeting Papyrus and Sans

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The doors automatically slammed shut behind Chara and Temmie loudly. The 18 year old let out a breath and shivered. The cold was unbearable, her torn sweater and shorts weren't helping either. She walked further and came to a branch, she tried picking it up.

"Human, the branch is too heavy," Temmie said and Chara let it go, she walked around it and then head the branch snap, it looked like it was stepped on when she turned to look, but she didn't even touch it with her foot. Temmie looked afraid. "Let's keep going," Temmie said and then she got to a gate. She was frozen in place by a source of some kind. She heard footsteps. "Run!" Temmie yelled

"I can't!" Then the figure got to her.

"H u m a n, d o n t y o u k n o w h o w t o g r e e t a n e w p a l ? T u r n a r o u n d a n d s h a k e m y h a n d" the person said and Chara did just that but she felt a jolt of electricity shoot through her, she was fine but that was unexpected. It made her heart speed up and then she looked up to look at its face. The monster smiled an almost sinister smile but then laughed, that made Chara feel a little relaxed. "Wow, you didn't die, shocker," he smiled at the word and Chara giggled a bit even if his intention was to kill her, "So, you're a human? That's priceless, I'm Papyrus, I'm a skeleton. Now I'm supposed to capture pretty humans like you but.. I'll let you slip by, maybe say you overwhelmed me, not like that isn't the truth, you are rather pretty" Temmie looked at the tall skeleton with disgust but kept quiet as to not interrupt the skeleton but Chara just blushed at that, "But my brother, Sans, he'd capture you in a heartbeat, actually, that's him over there," Papyrus put on a thinking face and then smiled, "Here, go through this gate, yeah, my bro made the bars wide enough to get through it," Chara went through the bars and Papyrus went after her, having to bend a little. "Hide behind my sentry station and duck," Papyrus said and Chara did as told, just as Sans came by. "'Sup, master?" Papyrus said and Sans glared.

"You know what's up, brother! It's been eight days and you still haven't recalibrated. Your. Puzzles! You just hang around outside your station! What are you doing anyways?" Sans said and Papyrus smiled.

"I'm just hanging around like you said," he said and moved behind his station to where Chara was hiding and kept talking to his brother. Chara looked at Papyrus as much as she could and then looked at his legs. He was wearing brown shorts and sneakers. She wondered if he would feel it at all if she put her hand in between his tibia and his fibula. She put her hand between them and he pulled his leg up quickly. Sans noticed this.

"Brother? What happened?" Sans asked and Papyrus quickly recovered.

He smiled and said "I was just thinking about how weird it would be if that annoying dog were chewing on my bones again, 'tibia' honest I think that it'd be 'humerus'," He smiled at himself while Chara held in a giggle. Sans rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, just put a little more 'backbone' into your work. Bwah heh heh... Heh," Sans said and Papyrus smiled and then when he was gone he ducked under the station to see Chara and Temmie.

"Wow, you're a curious little thing, aren't you?" Papyrus said with a smirk and Chara blushed from embarrassment.

"I-I'm sorry, I didn't think that you'd feel it," Chara said

"Jesus, Chara, you don't even know who these monsters are..." Temmie said and Papyrus smirked at Chara.

"Well, I certainly felt that, but don't worry, you're fine, you can go if you want, I'll keep an eye socket out for you, or you can hang here all day, either way, don't be getting curious with any other monsters, some may not be too kind, but you've got my permission to do whatever or you can ask questions, either way, you can to me," Papyrus said and Chara gave him a kind smile and moved to get out the station. Papyrus backed up and let her get out. "Also, don't let that pet put ideas in your head, I'm a nice guy, I'd never hurt you," Papyrus said as he went ahead of them.

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