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Chara woke up first and looked down at her two friends on either side of her. Temmie was curled up in a little space between Chara's left arm and side while Papyrus was holding onto her by the waist. She smiled as a rush of adoration passed by her and she hummed in content. Apparently her bladder had other ideas and she groaned internally at the timing it has. She carefully slipped out the grasp of the two monsters, granted Papyrus was a bit difficult, but all she had to do with Temmie was to move her arm. She walked out of the bedroom and looked in the door in the middle of the two brothers' room. She went to turn the door knob when there was a tap on her shoulder and she jumped a bit before looking back only to see Sans. He looked at her curiously, scanning her up and down before stopping at her eyes. He didn't say anything and anxiety formed in her chest. What was he doing? Before she could ask him, he pushed 100G in her general direction.

"O-oh, Sans, you don't need to-"

"I want to," Sans said with a deadpan voice and Chara reluctantly took the money and pocketed it. Sans looked down, causing a shadow to cast over his eyes and Chara cautiously laid a hand on his shoulder and his breath hitched at the contact.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked and Sans sighed. He backed away from her and threw a knife in the wall next to her.

"Take it, you're gonna need it," Sans said but when he saw Chara made no move to take the knife he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding. "So, you're aware of Alphys, right?" Sans said and Chara cleared her throat.

"I don't know much about her, you have only mentioned her name," Chara said and Sans looked away from her red eyes once again.

"Of course I did," He said and sighed as he pulled at his scarf in frustration. "She's the captain of the Royal guard, and you remember those pictures I took of you?" Sans said and Chara's cheeks burned as she nodded her head and crossed her arms. "I gave them to her, saying I caught a human, but she's never exactly been to our basement, so she had no idea where I had you, I said she'd have to do something for me if I were to tell your location,"

"Wait, so she's on the look?" Chara said and Sans nodded

"She's on high alert,"

"I don't understand you. First you do a good thing, then bad, then good, then bad," Chara said, smiling slightly and closed her eyes to recall all the things that Sans has done. She felt a pair of gloves hands touch both her cheeks gently and opened her eyes to see a pair of glowing blue eyes with a hint of fear but he regained his normal composure and backed away as he tried to hide a bit of a blue blush on his face due to embarrassment.

"Is something wrong?" Chara asked and Sans pulled on the neckline of his shirt, he was breathing irregularly now and Chara was concerned.

"Heh, um, I just had nightmares over and over of a girl who kept her eyes closed, she looked like you a lot but didn't at the same time," He said and then crosses his arms and looked away. "Besides, I like your eyes, a lot better than her eyes," he muttered and his frown never left his face. Chara laughed a little at his compliment. "Well, I gave you what I wanted to, I guess I'll see you around," he said and with a smirk he snapped his fingers and was gone. Chara smiled and finally went to the bathroom. As she finished she thought about Frisk, was she the girl in Sans' dream?

"Frisk?" Chara said aloud and she heard a cute, almost innocent giggle behind her and Chara turned around to look at the first fallen human. "Frisk, were you terrorizing Sans?"

"Hey! The bastard deserved it! Look at what he did to you!" Frisk said and then smiled mischievously. "The brat acts all tough but then when he's all vulnerable, he can't handle a little girl," she said directing to herself and she rolled her eyes.

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