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A loud smack echoed the dim room as a skeletal hand came in contact with flesh. Chara sat up and let out a yell at the contact she felt. The girl that she had fell asleep in front of was replaced with Sans.

"You do realize that hurts, right?" Chara said as she brought a hand up to her cheek. Wait, she could move her hands. She moved her feet too. She could move! She wasn't restrained by ropes anymore!

"I am not an idiot, I know that hurts and honestly, I don't care," He said bitterly as he moved to sit on the floor. As he did this, Chara looked at him curiously. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go!" He yelled and Chara stared at him wide eyed. He wasn't serious, was he? "Go!" He shouted at her. "The plan isn't worth it, please go, it's off, you can still have your 100G, just go," He said and Chara looked at him, confused but sat beside him, nonetheless.

"What in the hell do you think you're doing?! He said go!!" Frisk shouted in her mind but Chara ignored her.

"What do you mean by plan?" Chara asked Sans and he looked at her, genuinely surprised.

"Wait, you mean I didn't tell you?" Sans asked and Chara shook her head and Sans laughed quietly. "Well shit, you must've been scared out of your mind! Aw, man, I thought I told you, I'm so fucking forgetful," Sans said as he held his head and refused to look Chara in the eyes.

"Please look at me," Chara said but Sans kept his eyes on the wall and shook his head. His pupils were gone and Chara wasn't sure what he was feeling at this moment

"The thing is, I thought you knew what I was doing, I was planning on fake kidnapping you, just to get Temmie and Papyrus to be closer, like you wanted, but apparently it was stupid," he sat out the last word venomously.

"You did this, just to do what I asked you to, but I asked you to get closer to Temmie yourself,"

"I thought of a better way, I thought I could pay you 100G to go along with it too," he said as he curled up into himself, "When I saw how my brother reacted, I saw something... Something I haven't seen in a long time... He c-cared for me, like he would lose me as well, like we actually loved each other. He cared for Temmie, hell, he pet her and let her lay with him and fucking let her do whatever was comfortable to her, whatever she wanted. And I felt kinda sick, I told Papyrus and he cared for me like when we were younger, he tried to read a bed time story to me, he gave me a piggyback ride. He loved me... I miss that, I didn't know how much I missed it, but I did, I DONT WANT THAT TO END, HE IS MY BROTHER AND ALL I'VE DONE IS BE AN IGNORANT PRICK TO HIM, I WANT LOVE, i want my brother's love, that's impossible, isn't it? I'm responsible for all the pain I could've caused," he said with tears rolling down his face and Chara pulled him into a hug and he immediately pushed her away harshly. He looked at her like he didn't know she was there. He backed away, scared and stood up off the floor and just stared. Finally, he snapped out of it as his white pupils appeared again. "Wait, what did I say? What did you hear?"


"I-I didn't mean it! Don't tell him I said anything or I'll kill you! Fuck off! Just go away and don't you dare tell this to another soul!" He said and Chara smiled gently at him, he was truly hurting but he just won't admit it. But Chara had just seen what was in his mind. She wasn't even sure he even knew he was talking to her or even saying those things at all. "What are you smiling at?! I could bring you to Alphys in a spilt second, bitch!" Sans said and Chara shook her head at him and put her hand on his shoulders and he looked at her with curiosity.

"Like it or not, you are a kind and generous soul, and you are very loving, you just need to show that side more often, at least to Papyrus, he thinks the world of you, hell, he'd even kill me if it'd please you," Chara said and Sans' soul ached at those words.

"P-Paps wouldn't do that, Not for me, I doubt it, he fucking loves you," He said and Chara looked down, she couldn't tell him, but it happened in the very first timelines. Papyrus did kill her, and it was to please Sans, it was because he wanted Sans' approval.

"Just trust me,"

"Well, I guess I have to since I didn't tell you anything about my idiotic plan," Sans said as he let his eyes fall again, he wasn't looking her in the eyes anymore. Chara ran upstairs, leaving Sans to think. Sans thought about what she said, but for the life of him couldn't remember what he had said to her, how much did he confess to her? How could he let himself get so tangled in his feelings that he gave her a sneak peek inside his mind? Chara ran up the stairs, out of breath as Papyrus and Temmie were coming home. Papyrus was carrying Temmie and Temmie was fuming at him for carrying her as he wore a tired smile. Papyrus looked up to Chara and stared for a moment, nearly fell to his knees. Temmie looked to were he was and she burst out crying. Chara ran to hug them both. Temmie was a sobbing mess as Papyrus tried to contain the noises he made but failed as Chara heard the suppressed whines. Sans looked with a guilty frown and sighed quietly. He teleported to his room. Might as well get the 100G he promised her, at least he promised her in his own mind.

Chara looked for Sans as she was held by her two first allies. Chara let a smile grace over her features. She forgave the short skeleton fur everything, but he was nowhere in sight anymore. She wanted him to join in with everyone if he would. That night Papyrus and Temmie held her as they went to sleep, too worried that she'd be taken away to let her go. Sans let them have their "Chara is found" party and stayed in his room. He hugged his pillow and went to sleep. Nightmares of a girl in a two striped sweater plagued his mind. She looked like Chara but was tanner and had brown eyes. Somebody didn't forgive him so easily, even if he did have good intentions.

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