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I'm so sorry you guys so here are a few things I want to cover and apologize for

Firstly, I see that I've done a couple mistakes in this book, for example, I would write "Oh my Asgore!" Instead of "Oh my Toriel!" There is a explaination for that and what that is is that I'm also writing another book that is in the normal universe setting and sometimes I get confused on what I'm writing.

Second, in this book, I made Aaron exactly the same but a bit more bullying like but I should've made it Shyrin and she should've been all bullying Chara over her voice and saying Chara's voice isn't good enough, that should've happened but I guess I had thought that this was just Underfell and not Swapfell so I just accidentally wrote that whole fight, I promise I will get this whole thing right again

Thirdly, this book hasn't been updated in a long time because I've been busy planning a surprise book for you all, if you'd even like to see it, and it's another Chara x Papyrus book but it isn't published yet and I'm working on it with a person that I'm gonna mention in the story but it's gonna be a good story unless I completely loose myself in the story and mess up a ton of times like I did in this story

So that's it and I feel like I needed to apologize to all of you I promise I did not forget about you guys. I love you all and I'm going to continue and it's not on Hiatus and it's going to get updated, I swear. A chapter is in progress, but it isn't that far to completion. I'm apologizing for all of these points in this book, thank you for being patient. Goodbye.

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