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jake sighed looking down at the floor, a soft hand was placed on jake's shoulder that hand belonging to sakura '' give him time jake. '' sakura said to jake. two faces that look alike pop up from behind sakura and jake '' hello '' the twins said bowing to shin. Jake removed his gaze from his son cuddling the other boy and gave a weak smile to his wife with a nod . Shin jumped back a little. Surprised by the sudden action . "hello there " He replied to the twins They looked at each other then back to him " you look a little fleshy for a reaper" They both told him in unison. He chuckled at them " we can changed forms" He answered honestly Jake's smile was returned by sakura " alright. What's going on " sakura asked looking at kenji and metha.

" really? That's awesome " ayano said claping her hands together with a smile. Ayumu only crossed his arms and raised a eyebrow at her. " don't give me that look ayumu "

Shin looked up at the older baby blue haired woman her pink eyes held worry . He cleared his throat " My father's been kidnapped we need to go down to his office and see what we can find we'll go from there..." Kenji patted him on the shoulder " everyone het ready "

Everyone nodded and headed off to get ready. The twins stayed with the young reaper to keep him a bit relaxed. " hey..... Shin... " asked the girl twin

Shin 's pure lavender eyes watched the others as they rushed around for a second before realizing he was spoken to . He turned his head to the younger teen . "yes?" He asked politely " you can trust them . They're good people who stop at nothing to help others " The reaper smiled " I trust them" He assured the hyper Ayano . She sat in front of him and her expression sobered. " Metha . You'd probably know her as mercy . The ginger lady . She used to work for life she was badly abused and worked like a slave . So you see sometimes it's people who look trusting that are evil "

At that moment hands where placed on the twins heads and ruffled they're hair " now now. Let's not start digging something from the past up " said the all to familiar voice of rain. He had a small smile on his face as he stared at the twins " rain! " both ayano and ayumu whined

Rain laughed taking his hands away from the whining twins . " Just remember what I said alright?" The twins both nodded . Shin looked a little worried " I hope we didn't offend your mother...Ayano was just trying to help me ease some of my worries you see..." Rain smiled at him a little apologetically. " I know , please. You don't have to be so formal. I was just reminding them of what happened last time they did that" He glanced at the twins a warning look in his eye .

Ayumu and ayano looked away lightly shifting they're weight from the look rain gave them " we won't let it happen again " said the twins. Kenji simple nodded his head. Unknown to them metha had stopped at the door. Metha had leaned against the wall next to the door and looked at the floor when she heard her name. The red head heard the twins telling shin about what happened in the past. Metha hadn't looked up or moved from her spot next to the door

Rain looked over seeing his mother and her expression. His face took hold a sad expression and his multi colored eyes soften . " Mom..." Her son stood in front of her a head or two taller then the shortish woman " it's alright..." He crunched himself up hugging her Sympathetically saddened by the hardship his mother faced her entire childhood and half of her teenage years. Metha smiled warmly patting her son on the back tears rolled down her pale cheeks

" It's alright. It's long ago and now I have you and you're sister so I had a bad start but it turned out to be good " metha said as she hugged kenji back. Her tears still slightly falling but her happiness was clear as day in her voice

Rain pulled away from his mother smiling a little at her comforting words she touched his cheek lightly in a motherly action and stepped out of the room . Rain sat by Anayo and sighed laying on the floor

" sorry " was the twins replie as they looked at the floor. Never once looking at rain's face. They didn't mean to hurt his mother it was just a talk trying to comfort the young reaper in front of the them but in doing so they hurt someone else

Rain glanced at the twins his red and gray eyes held a soft kindness in the "you don't have to apologize. You didn't mean to . You were only trying to help. It just backfired a bit" Rain put both arms under his head " just be more careful "

With a light nod ayumu and ayano looked at each other. Ayano smiled while ayumu sighed. " fine..... Just don't mess up my hair " ayumu told ayano who cheered. The periwinkle haired boy turned to face the wall while his twin moved closer. Ayano soon started to play with his periwinkle haired doing small pony's and little braids in his hair, a happy smile was clear on the female twins face.

Rain chuckled. Ayumu looked miserable . That was alright with rain considering what he had done to his brother. Rain felt guilty for it he couldn't help but blame himself "hey!" An unmistakable hyper voice shrilled " why ya look so down rainy?" Emiko leaned over looming over him her curls falling down with her . "Thinking " He replied " now go and help Ayano"

Emiko raised a eyebrow at rain at why he said to help ayano. " look " rain said pointing to the twins. Looking up at Them, emiko's face had showed amusement and with a light laugh she walked over to ayano " can I help? " " yeah. Hehe " giggling emiko sat down next to ayano. Ayano had the right side of ayumu hair while emiko had the left. Ayumu now had a look that showed he was about to die from not only his twin but also they're friend was doing his hair.

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