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Ayumu looked as if he was in pain "alright stop..." He grumbled annoyed. " No way!" Emiko yelled " serve's you right for what you did to gage" Ayumu looked over at his twin " you told her about that!?" She slapped him on the forehead " of course I did " Ayumu rubbed his head where she had hit him. "why!?" He demanded angrily Both girls held an equally annoyed expression . "you three bicker more then old lady's " Inquired rain from a few feet away " no one asked you multi colored!" Emiko fired back Rain's only reply was his laughter

Shin silently watched the four in front of him. The blonde was amazed at how they acted with each other. He never thought that the soon to be death and the future Mercy and insanity would be like this. A small smile made It's way to his face. Both emiko and ayano had stopped playing with ayumu's hair and laughed " we need a picture! " ayano said and with only those words emiko took off. Rain had looked at the periwinkle haired boy and busted out laughing l, even shin silently chuckled

Rain looked over to him " do me a favor. Don't mention mercy to Emiko " Shin raised his eyebrows " isn't she though?" Rain shrugged his shoulders " Dunno yet. It makes her upset though" Shin nodded " as you wish " Rain sighed pushing the red hair out of his face " you don't have to do that " Emiko came back in running with a camera she gave it to her brother and sat with the twins he snapped the picture handing the camera back to her " wait here!" She demanded running off again a few minutes later she came back pulling gage along with her he looked puzzled . She shoved him over to rain giggling

A dust of pink appeared on gage's face, he was leaning on rain's shoulder and side. Snapping out of his state of shock, the white haired boy moved back a few inch's away from the other and looked at the floor " aw! You massed it up. That would have been the perfect picture! " whine both emiko and ayano pouting a little bit. The white haired boy looked up at Them and asked " what picture?........... What happened to ayumu? " everyone had turned and looked at the periwinkle spiked haired boy, who in turn crossed his arms and looked away " I don't want to talk about it..... You two better delete that picture!! " ayumu yelled at his twin and friend

The girls both laughed then turned back to Rain and Gage . " now" Emiko said in a demanded voice " Gage get back how you were and Do. Not.move." Rain chuckled. " better listen she can get slightly terrifying" Gage's deep purple eyes widened and he placed himself back the way he had stumbled . He leaned his head on Rain's shoulder. He had only Just been able to do so . He was quite a bit shorter than the tall red head . "perfect" Their younger sister's giggled together Emiko snapped the picture and cheerd . " your sooo cute together!" Rain shook his head at her

Gage looked at the floor again his cheeks flushing a bright red. Gage was about to move away back where he was but he was stopped from moving by a arm wrapping around him. The two girls giggled more and ayumu only rolled his eye's while he was trying to undo the mass his sister and emiko made.

Gage smiled blushing . He kissed Rain's cheek and moved away to help his brother . "they did a good Job " Gage Chuckled pulling the pony tails out of his spiky hair " OW" Ayumu hissed His older brother held a guilty expression. " sorry..." Ayumu crossed his arms " just get it out...."

Gage nodded and started to get the pony tails out. Ayumu would hiss every now and then " I think we'll have to cut it " signed gage. Ayumu's eyes went wide and he started to shake his head saying no over and over again

Gage smiled and stepped back " I was lying. Next time be mindful of how you treat people" Gage turned away from his younger sibling and grabbed rains pale slender hand dragging him off to see if the others were ready . Emiko and Ayano turned to him. His mouth was agape and his black glasses were slowly falling off his nose " you'll catch flies " His twin giggled closing his mouth

" he...... Did he just....... " ayumu couldn't ask the question he wanted to from being in shock. A nod came from ayano has she looked at her twins face it was priceless. A small click was heard, ayano looked to her side to see emiko had took a picture of ayumu's shocked face " what? It's rare to see him have a shocked face, so I thought why not get a picture while I could " the black and red head said smiling

Emiko your really something else" Her best friend said smiling Before Emiko could reply their parents and older siblings came out . Kenji raised his eyebrows at shin in question and the young reaper nodded " can I trust you three by yourselves?" Kenji asked the younger teens " we're not babies Daddy " Emiko replied offended " alright then" Kenji kissed his daughter's head and ruffled the twins hair the twins said goodbye to their parents and brother and Emiko did the same

As they're parents left with shin leading the way. The three younger teens stayed at the door. A small glimmer Caught the attention of the bright blue haired girl. Ayano walked over to it and the thing that was shinning was a...... Watch or was it a necklace? ' What is this? ' she thought to herself turning the small thing over she realized it was shin's. He must have dropped it when he was getting up. ' I need to get this back to him. It might be important. ' with that thought. The bright blue haired girl stood up and walk over to her twin and friend " hey guys. What does this look like to you? " she asked them

Ayumu shrugged but Emiko took the small object In her hand " he definitely needs this back it's what allows reapers to travel like they do " Ayano gasped " Then we need to catch them!" Ayano bolted off the street her twin chasing after her Emiko slammed and locked the door bolting after the two look alikes " hey be careful!" The smell teen called after them . "no time for careful!" Ayumu yelled back Emiko rolled her grayish silver eyes if Only they'd listen

" we've been running for a while... how far could they have gotten? Huffed out ayumu tailing right behind his twin. " i don't know but we have to get to them " the female twin said. They where visible to the eyes of the human's as they ran past them. To any normal parson they looked like a group of kids running because they forgot something or they where running to meet up with friends. But the three young teens knew the truth. But kept it to themselves " guys we need to stop and think before something bad happens!" Yelled the black and red haired girl to the look alikes that where running ahead of her just a few inchs

Rain stood confused looking at the room of the head reaper . There was nothing there. It wasn't that there was no blood and the place wasn't trashed. There was literally Nothing there . The room was cleaned out and painted in blank white. It was just an empty white room . The young reaper looked horrified. " i-i-...i don't -..understand.." He looked at the big white room as If his nightmares had come true and eaten him whole . Kenji placed a pale hand on the white wall . " there's dark magic at work here

Everyone stayed where they were " kenji, we should start trying to break the spell while the other's look around the house. There might be something to help us " metha said to the black haired man walking over to him.

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