Sick days

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You stripped down and stepped in the shower, turning the handle to 'Cold' in hopes your fever would chill out (heh). Feeling the water hitting your skin and trickling down your body was the best feeling you've felt in two weeks. You haven't showered in so long,  so a shower helped put you at ease. You wanted to wash your hair, but they had no shampoo or conditioner. It was to be expected since they were skeletons and had no hair. So you settled with just soaking your hair in water. After your shower, your fever remained but it was less intense than before. You stepped out the shower and wrapped Papyrus' towel around yourself before hearing a knock on the bathroom door. "Hey (y/n). I brought you some clothes. Sans' clothes obviously weren't gonna fit so I got you one of my hoodies. Also, my shorts aren't really comfortable so I brought you a pair of my uh boxers instead." Papyrus said slightly embarrassed while opening the door a crack and quickly placing his clothes neatly folded on the bathroom floor and shutting the door again. "When you're done here, come downstairs and we can have a little snack" Papyrus said on the other side of the bathroom door. You could hear footsteps going downstairs as you knelt down to pick up the clothes Papyrus left for you. You let the towel that was wrapped around you fall to your ankles as you easily slid on Papyrus' boxers. You pick up Papyrus' orange hoodie that was lying on the counter. You bury your face in the hoodie, inhaling the strong scent of honey and cigarettes. Then you slip into the hoodie which is three sizes too big for you (it looks like a dress on you) and tie your (long/short) (h/c) hair up into a ponytail with a hairtie that was on your wrist. Finally, you put Papyrus' towel back on the towel rack and picked up your bra and underwear from the toilet lid. You didn't know where to put them so you just stuffed them in the hoodie pocket for now, deciding you'd hunt down the laundry room later. You took one last good look at yourself in the mirrior before opening the bathroom door and heading downstairs. When you reached the bottom of the stairs, Papyrus was sitting on the couch watching an episode of 'So you think you can dance' which showed a metal robot wearing pink high heeled boots yelling at a dancer. You approached the couch and sat down next to Papyrus, keeping your eyes glued to the television screen. All of a sudden, you feel something draped over your shoulders and you turn to see Papyrus placing a blue blanket over your body. You stare at him and tightly hug the blanket around your body. "Why are you being so nice to me?" you ask in complete and utter confusion as to why someone would help a sick homeless hobo they just met that day. Papyrus shrugs his shoulders and replies "Well my brother wanted to help you and whatever he wants to do I wanna help out too. I'll admit not all humans are good, but something about you makes me trust you." Papyrus placed a bony hand on your head and ruffled your hair as a sign of affection. You blush deeply from embarrassment and you feel your fever raising  again. All of a sudden Sans burst through the front door holding a plastic shopping bag presumably filled with medicine. "I'M BACK WITH THE REMEDIES! HUMAN! YOU MUST TAKE THESE IMMEDIATELY IN ORDER TO REGAIN YOUR HEALTH!" Sans said proudly as he took the liquid medicine out the box and was already pouring a small amount of it onto a big metal spoon. Sans walked over to you and knelt down to your level. "HERE HUMAN! SAY'AHHHHH'!" Sans said inching the spoon closer to your mouth. You didn't like the taste of medicine so you backed away pressing your back further into the couch, folding your lips in and shaking your head. "COME HUMAN! PLEASE TAKE YOUR MEDICINE, WE'RE TRYING TO HELP YOU!" Sans pleaded with you after a few more attempts of trying to get you to drink the medicine. Finally Papyrus stood up and took the spoon full of medicine from Sans. "I got this bro. How about you go make some tacos for dinner?" Sans' eye sockets lit up at the mention of tacos. "MWHAHAHA! I MAY NOT BE A VERY GOOD DOCTOR, BUT I KNOW I'M AN EXCELLENT TACO CHEF!" Sans said before running off into the kitchen to prepare tacos. Suddenly, Papyrus' left eye socket glowed an orange color and you were unable to move. "(y/n)..." Papyrus said in a deep voice. "We can either do this the easy way...or the hard way." Papyrus said looking a little evil. You still refused the medicine which made Papyrus shrug his shoulders and say "You asked for it". You watched in confusion as Papyrus stuck the spoon in his own mouth slurping up all the medicine from the spoon. Then all of  sudden he pulled in for a kiss. He forced his way into your mouth with his long glowing orange tongue and transferred the medicine from his mouth to yours. You felt the sticky medicine slide down your throat and you cringed from the horrible flavor. Your tongue wrestled his tongue for dominance, saliva and small traces of the medicine mixing together in your mouths. Papyrus had placed his hands on each side of your head pulling you in deeper, making sure you took all of it. You couldn't pull away even if you wanted too because Papyrus' magic had you restricted in place. Finally, Papyrus pulled away from you. You were both blushing profusely and panting heavily, a few strands of saliva still connecting your tongues. You felt the magic hold Papyrus had on you disappear making you melt onto the couch. Your fever was high again and the hoodie you were wearing was slightly sliding down your arm revealing your shoulder. Papyrus blushed even harder at the sight of you slumped on the couch blushing and panting, wearing his clothes. He sighed and set the spoon down on the coffee table in front of the couch and stood up. He fixed the hoodie you were wearing and sat you up straight. Then he grabbed the spoon and walked towards the kitchen, where Sans had already made multiple tacos for the three of them. Papyrus grabbed two honey bottles from the fridge and started drinking one bottle. You stared at him from where you were sitting on the couch wondering what the heck just happened. D-did Papyrus kiss you just to give you medicine or..."Like what you see?" Papyrus said interrupting your thoughts. He caught you staring at him and was staring at you while downing his honey. "Ah! Uh um..." you said flustered. "DINNER'S READY!" Sans declared. Sans set down a whole plate of tacos on the kitchen table. You, Sans, and Papyrus sat around the table ready to eat. "DIG IN!" Sans said.

Underswap Papyrus X Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now